- 为什么帧率时间线数据不匹配
- 为什么TTI这么高
c.e: "kb8jhepo"
c.f: 61
c.f.d: 524
c.f.m: 2
c.f.s: "kb8jhge3"
c.t.fps: "0*5*62"
c.tti: 2075
c.tti.m: "lt"
c.tti.vr: 948
if: ""
n: 1
nt_con_end: 1591744341954
nt_con_st: 1591744341954
nt_dec_size: 129958
nt_dns_end: 1591744341954
nt_dns_st: 1591744341954
nt_domcomp: 1591744343076
nt_domcontloaded_end: 1591744342895
nt_domcontloaded_st: 1591744342814
nt_domint: 1591744342577
nt_domloading: 1591744342159
nt_enc_size: 41324
nt_fet_st: 1591744341954
nt_first_paint: 1591744342325
nt_load_end: 1591744343120
nt_load_st: 1591744343082
nt_nav_st: 1591744341948
nt_nav_type: 1
nt_protocol: "h2"
nt_red_cnt: 0
nt_req_st: 1591744341964
nt_res_end: 1591744342373
nt_res_st: 1591744342144
nt_ssl_st: 1591744341954
nt_trn_size: 42860
nt_unload_end: 1591744342154
nt_unload_st: 1591744342154
pid: "a6ilbd4j"
pt.fcp: 377
pt.fp: 377
rt.si: "kd7mvv6mutl-NaN"
rt.sl: 0
rt.ss: undefined
ua.plt: "MacIntel"
ua.vnd: "Google Inc."
v: "1.0.0"
vis.st: "visible"
在文档上,计算 TTI 的算法总结为 w/
Putting these two timers together, here's how we measure Visually Ready and Time to Interactive:
1. Determine the highest Visually Ready timestamp (VRTS):
* Largest Contentful Paint (if available)
* First Contentful Paint (if available)
* First Paint (if available)
* domContentLoadedEventEnd
* Hero Images are loaded (if configured)
* Framework Ready (if configured)
2. After VRTS, calculate Time to Interactive by finding the first period of 500ms where all of the following are true:
* There were no Long Tasks
* The FPS was always above 20 (if available)
* Page Busy was less than 10% (if the above aren't available)
等于 61,根据文档,它是持续时间基础上的平均帧速率。但是,当我获取中给出的时间线数据时,c.t.fps
,当我根据他们的算法解压缩时,我得到了[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 2]
,这显然不会平均到 61。
为 524 毫秒,这就是为什么我有这么多数据点的原因,但我看不出平均值如何与时间线匹配。
TTI 更让 IMO 感到困惑。我从信标 2075 获得的值和使用的方法是lt
(或 LongTask)。然而,其他数据点不支持作为 TTI 值。在 948 处,视觉准备就绪的时间要短得多,信标中没有长任务数据,所以大概这不是计算 TTI 的一个因素。