I'm using Delphi 10.1 Berlin and have a REST server.
I'm getting a "TkPointer not currently supported" when trying to pass an object that has a TObjectList property that's been populated.
If I don't populate the TObjectList property then alls fine.
unit uClass_Jobs; interface uses Contnrs, System.Classes, System.SysUtils; type TJob = class(TObject) private {$REGION 'Private'} FID: Integer; FTheName: String; FTime_Records: TObjectList; {$ENDREGION 'Private'} public {$REGION 'Public'} constructor Create; destructor Destroy; {$ENDREGION 'Public'} end; TTime_Record = class(TObject) private {$REGION 'Private'} FID: Integer; FFrom_Time: TTime; FTo_Time: TTime; {$ENDREGION 'Private'} public {$REGION 'Public'} {$ENDREGION 'Public'} end; implementation { TJob } constructor TJob.Create; begin inherited; FTime_Records := TObjectList.Create; end; destructor TJob.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FTime_Records); inherited; end; end.
I'll try and explain using the above example.
I create an object:-
Job := TJob.Create;
Job.ID := 1;
Job.TheName := "JobName";
Pass the Object to the REST Server. All ok.
Same as before to create the Job Object plus:-
Time_Record:= TTime_Record.Create;
Time_Record.From_Time := Now;
Time_Record.To_Time := Now;
Pass the Object to the REST Server. "TkPointer not currently supported".
This error occurs in the ClientClassesUnit1 on the Method created from the server on the line:-
FAddJobCommand.Parameters[0].Value.SetJSONValue(FMarshal.Marshal(Job), True);
Hope that makes some sense. Thanks