您可以从原始脚本中调用另一个 PHP 脚本,而无需等待它挂断:
$processId = shell_exec(
"nohup " . // Runs a command, ignoring hangup signals.
"nice " . // "Adjusted niceness" :) Read nice --help
"/usr/bin/php -c " . // Path to your PHP executable.
"/path/to/php.ini -f " . // Path to your PHP config.
"/var/www/php_cli.php " . // Path to the script you want to execute.
"action=generate > /process.log " . // Log file.
"& echo $!" // Make sure it returns only the process id.
exec('ps ' . $processId, $processState);
// exec returns the result of the command - but we need to store the process state.
// The third param is a referenced variable.
// First key in $processState is that it's running.
// Second key would be that it has exited.
if (count($processState) < 2) {
// Process has ended.