我有一个用于打印的 2 列布局。h2-5 在列内,h1s 跨越两列。我正在使用Paged.js进行分页。
如果一篇新文章从页面底部的 40% 开始,我也希望它也被强制到下一页。
对于 h2 及以下,我在标题上方注入一个 div,如果标题位于其列的底部,我将其膨胀以推入下一列。
这似乎对 h2-5 有效,因为它们位于由浏览器管理的流程中。但前提是它们在左栏中;如果它们是正确的,它们就会被从页面上撞出。例如:
将 H1 从页面上撞出会导致问题,垫片膨胀,但会将标题推入不可见的区域,或者其他一些奇怪的情况。
以下(略微简化的)标记是生成第 11 页的内容(右,第二张图片)
<div class="the-articles">
<article class="architectural-review.com paper-story noted">
No question, Rem is a genius. Nonetheless, his wake is toxic: stained by
Randian egos (both triumphal and crushed), the intense interpersonal
competition, and the exploitation of intellectual and manual labour. How
does it all end, you wonder. In some ways, Tomas Koolhaas’s documentary
was a preemptive eulogy. Death is present in every shot, tugging at the
great man’s sleeve. The film is also suffused by an intense melancholy. It
is the peculiar sadness of endings: when a family line is extinguished,
when change erases beauty and meaning, when an entire world order
Starchitects are still with us, even though their era is over. Koolhaas
himself called time on it in the mid-2000s. It is no contradiction to
honour them, while admitting that we must give ourselves permission to
abandon the figure of the heroic architect, and along with it the Western
blueprint for greatness that Koolhaas has so relentlessly and obsessively
<div class="tail-meta">
<span class="url"
<!-- SHIM IS HERE -->
<div class="shim-between-articles" style="height: 181.944px;"></div>
<article id="2415273718" class="newyorker.com paper-story noted">
<h1 class="article-title" id="h2415273718">
Love Is Not a Permanent State of Enthusiasm: An Interview with Esther
我在里面做 shim-inflation afterPageLayout
function identifyTooCloseToBottomHeading(
) {
try {
if (theHeading !== null && theHeading !== undefined) {
const pageBox = page.element.getBoundingClientRect();
const headingBox = theHeading.getBoundingClientRect();
const pdelta = pageBox.bottom - headingBox.bottom;
const botPC = pdelta / pageBox.height; //Gives a % up the page. I.e. 100% is the top
const cutPC = pageCutoffPercentage[theHeading.tagName.toLowerCase()];
const oneRem = parseFloat(
if (botPC < cutPC) {
console.log("at risk", theHeading);
if (theHeading.previousElementSibling) {
} else {
const thisArticle = theHeading.parentElement;
const prevArticle = thisArticle.previousElementSibling;
const shim = prevArticle.querySelector(".shim-between-articles");
const topMetaBox = thisArticle
shim.style.height = `${
theHeading.getBoundingClientRect().height + topMetaBox.height
} catch (e) {
console.log(e, theHeading);
function AdjustShimSize(oneRem) {
const shim = theHeading.previousElementSibling;
// calculate the height that it needs to be
try {
const shimBox = shim.getBoundingClientRect();
const container = shim.closest(".the-articles");
const containerBox = container.getBoundingClientRect();
// logShimDetails(theHeading, container, shimBox, nextElBox, containerBox, oneRem);
shim.style.height = `${containerBox.bottom - shimBox.bottom - oneRem}px`;
console.log("shimmed", theHeading);
} catch {
console.log("trouble with", theHeading);
? 有没有正确的方法来做到这一点?
对于 H1,我还尝试在上面的文章中添加一个类,具体取决于将标题撞到下一页需要多少行。即一系列css规则:
.n-line-fat-bottom-20 {
margin-bottom: calc(var(--wp-line-height) * 20) !important;
.n-line-fat-bottom-22 {
margin-bottom: calc(var(--wp-line-height) * 24) !important;
然后在 Paged.js 生命周期的同一点应用该类。它有同样无益的结果。
如果我提前知道哪些标题需要打破,我可以给他们一个break-before: column;
或break-before: page;
规则,但内容是不提前知道的。事后添加这些规则似乎不适用于 paged.js 的生命周期。我怀疑这是一个生命周期问题,因为如果我在正确的点/正确的处理程序处执行此操作,将内容从页面上推出应该会导致下一页的重排。