
The ACCURACY SCORE of various models on train and test are:

The accuracy score of simple decision tree on label encoded data :    TRAIN: 86.46%     TEST: 79.42%
The accuracy score of tuned decision tree on label encoded data :     TRAIN: 81.74%     TEST: 81.33%
The accuracy score of random forest ensembler on label encoded data:  TRAIN: 82.26%     TEST: 81.63%
The accuracy score of simple decision tree on one hot encoded data :  TRAIN: 86.46%     TEST: 79.74%
The accuracy score of tuned decision tree on one hot encoded data :   TRAIN: 82.04%     TEST: 81.46%
The accuracy score of random forest ensembler on one hot encoded data:TRAIN: 82.41%     TEST: 81.66%

he PRECISION SCORE of various models on train and test are:

The precision score of simple decision tree on label encoded data :             TRAIN: 78.26%   TEST: 57.92%
The precision score of tuned decision tree on label encoded data :              hTRAIN: 66.54%  TEST: 64.6%
The precision score of random forest ensembler on label encoded data:           TRAIN: 70.1%    TEST: 67.44%
The precision score of simple decision tree on one hot encoded data :           TRAIN: 78.26%   TEST: 58.84%
The precision score of tuned decision tree on one hot encoded data :            TRAIN: 68.06%   TEST: 65.81%
The precision score of random forest ensembler on one hot encoded data:         TRAIN: 70.34%   TEST: 67.32%


1 回答 1



以你的性别特征为例:标签编码的 [male, female, other] 变为 [0, 1, 2]。

现在假设存在仅适用于女性的其他特征的特定配置:树需要两个分支来选择女性,一个选择大于零的性别,另一个选择小于 2 的性别。

相反,使用 one-hot 编码,您只需要一个分支来进行选择,比如 sex_female 大于零。

于 2020-06-06T20:48:34.077 回答