我对 MVC 模式有一些疑问,我正在寻找我所做的反馈。

在观看了关于 MVP 模式的课程后,我开始为这个模式重建一个练习程序。我在做的时候遇到了一些问题和疑问。

  1. 人们为什么要使用模式中的接口?我有时在 MVC 模式中看到它,并觉得它并不总是必要的,但似乎几乎所有人都在使用它。

  2. 在这种情况下,我究竟如何填充 DataGridView?



  public class PrinterModel

    public string printerSearch;
    public string printerCode;
    public string printer;
    public string printerType;
    public DataTable printers;

    public PrinterModel()


 public class Querys
    DataTable dtbl = new DataTable();
    string connectionString = @"CORRECT CONNECTION STRING";

    //Fills the DataTable with data
    public DataTable DBFillTable()

        using (MySqlConnection sqlCon = new MySqlConnection(connectionString))
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM PrinterTypes", sqlCon);
            MySqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);

            return dtbl;
    // Searches for printer Type
    public DataTable SearchPrinterType(string search)

        DataTable dtbl2 = new DataTable();
        if (search != "")
                dtbl2 = dtbl.Select("PrinterType LIKE '%" + search + "%'").CopyToDataTable();
            catch (Exception ex)

        else if (search == "")
            dtbl2 = dtbl;
        return dtbl2;

    /* Searches for the Printer Code. */
    public string SearchPrinterCode(string search)
        string result = null;

            var filteredRow = dtbl.Select("PrinterCode = '" + search + "'");
            result = filteredRow[0][0].ToString() + " " + filteredRow[0][1].ToString();
        catch (Exception ex)


        return result;


 public partial class CopyPrinterView : MetroUserControl
    private PrinterModel printer;

    public CopyPrinterView()

    public string PrinterSearch
        get { return TxtSearchResult.Text; }
        set { TxtSearchResult.Text = value; }

    public string PrinterCode
        get { return TxtPrinterCode.Text; }
        set { TxtPrinterCode.Text = value; }

    public event EventHandler CopyPrinter
        add { BtnCopyPrinterCode.Click += value; }
        remove { BtnCopyPrinterCode.Click -= value; }

    public event EventHandler TxtPrinterCodeChanged
        add { TxtPrinterCode.TextChanged += value; }
        remove { TxtPrinterCode.TextChanged -= value; }



 public partial class SearchView : MetroUserControl
    private PrinterModel printer;
    public SearchView()


    public string PrinterType
        get { return TxtPrinterType.Text; }
        set { TxtPrinterType.Text = value; }

    public event DataGridViewCellEventHandler DvgDoubleClick
        add { DvgPrinters.CellDoubleClick += value; }
        remove { DvgPrinters.CellDoubleClick -= value; }

    public event EventHandler TxtPrinterTypeResultChanged
        add { TxtPrinterType.TextChanged += value; }
        remove { TxtPrinterType.TextChanged -= value; }

    public event EventHandler LoadDvg
        add { Load += value; }
        remove { Load -= value; }

CopyPrinter 演示者:

 public class CopyPrinterPresenter
    private CopyPrinterView copyPrinterView;
    private PrinterModel printer;
    private Querys query;
    public CopyPrinterPresenter(CopyPrinterView copyPrinterView, PrinterModel printer, Querys query)
        this.copyPrinterView = copyPrinterView;
        this.printer = printer;
        this.query = query;
        copyPrinterView.TxtPrinterCodeChanged += TxtPrinterCode_TextChanged;
        copyPrinterView.CopyPrinter += BtnCopyPrinterCode_Click;
        copyPrinterView.PrinterCode += printer.printerCode;
        copyPrinterView.PrinterSearch += printer.printerSearch;

    private void BtnCopyPrinterCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (printer.printerSearch != "")
            // Copy printer to clipboard if there is a result in TxtSearchResult.Text
            string message = "Copied the printer of printer code: " + printer.printerCode;
            MetroMessageBox.Show(copyPrinterView, message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            string message = "Fill in a Printer Code";
            MetroMessageBox.Show(copyPrinterView, message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

    private void TxtPrinterCode_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        printer.printerSearch = query.SearchPrinterCode(printer.printerCode);



 public class SearchPresenter
    private SearchView searchView;
    private PrinterModel printer;
    private Querys query;

    public SearchPresenter(SearchView searchView, PrinterModel printer, Querys query)
        this.searchView = searchView;
        this.printer = printer;
        this.query = query;
        searchView.Load += SearchView_Load;
        searchView.TxtPrinterTypeResultChanged += TxtPrinterType_TextChanged;
        searchView.DvgDoubleClick += DvgPrinters_CellDoubleClick;
        searchView.PrinterType += printer.printerType;

    private void SearchView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Initial load
        printer.printers = query.DBFillTable();
        searchView.DvgPrinters.DataSource = printer.printers;

    private void TxtPrinterType_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Displays result of the query into the DataGridView
        printer.printers = query.SearchPrinterType(printer.printerType);

    private void DvgPrinters_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
        // Copies the printercode to the clipboard of the selected cell in the row.
        if (printer.printers.Rows[e.RowIndex] != null)
            string message = "Copied the Printer Code of the selected row";


 public partial class MainMetroFormCopy : MetroForm
    Querys query = new Querys();
    PrinterModel printer = new PrinterModel();
    public MainMetroFormCopy()

        var searchViewPresenter = new SearchPresenter(searchView1,printer, query);
        var copyPrinterViewPresenter = new CopyPrinterPresenter(copyPrinterView1,printer ,query);

    private void MainMetroForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)



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