umbraco cms 中是否可能有太多节点?我目前正在接管一个 umbraco 网站的开发,该网站将拥有用户生成的内容和评论系统。如果我将所有这些数据存储为内容节点,系统会优雅地扩展吗​​?

我知道整个内容在运行时内存中作为 xml 保存——因此,如果这会导致运行时内存不断增长,那么将 cms 视为用户评论的数据存储似乎是个坏主意。然而,这是一个比我更了解 umbraco 的人向我建议的方式。

以这种方式做事在 umbraco 中很常见吗?


1 回答 1


I know there are some very large (50,000+ content items) websites out there running Umbraco. Whether it's a good idea to implement a commenting system that stores comments within the content tree is difficult to say. If the web server has enough memory, I believe you can have hundreds of thousands of nodes without any problem.

Most commenting implementations in Umbraco that I have seen have been in their own custom tables within the Umbraco database. Though I have built a commenting system for a blog very quickly and effectively by just storing comments as hidden sub-nodes of posts and I know others have too. Using the content tree to store comments saves you from having to cache anything yourself, Umbraco would cache comments in the same way it caches the content - which is very effective.

The back-office is where it slows down with the more nodes you have, especially if you have lots of nodes on a single level within the content tree.

Here are some Umbraco forum posts relating to scalability:



于 2011-06-02T21:50:08.110 回答