我正在做 c# 项目。我想以某种同步方式通过 websocketsharp 库发送 API 请求。


  1. 在我们发送任何 WS 请求之前,我们创建具有唯一 ID 的新 SynchronousRequest() 对象,并将新创建的对象添加到某种等待列表中

  2. 我们在响应中发送 WS 请求,将唯一 ID 添加到有效负载 - 服务器将返回相同的 ID。

  3. 我们开始等待事件发出信号(一旦我们收到响应就会发出信号)


  1. 一旦 WS 响应到达,我尝试通过唯一 ID 匹配上下文
  2. 一旦匹配成功,我们就发出响应已收到的信号,并将响应负载添加到 synchronousRequest() 对象

问题是第 3 步,一旦我在整个 websocket 客户端挂起的事件上使用 WaitOne() 并且不会收到进一步的响应 - 导致完全死锁。

我怎样才能在单独的线程中进行某种 WaitOne() 调用,或者我的问题可能存在完全更好的解决方案,所以整个客户端不会挂起并且我们匹配上下文?

public class SynchronousRequest
    public long requestId;
    public ManualResetEvent resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    public dynamic response;

    public SynchronousRequest()
        var random = new Random();
        requestId = random.Next();


public class APIWebSocket: BaseAPIWebSocket

    private List<SynchronousRequest> waitingSyncRequests = new List<SynchronousRequest>();

    public APIWebSocket()
        ws = new WebSocket("wss://www.someserver.com");

        registerConnectionEvents(); //Registers onOpen(), onMessage() handlers and similar

    public void SendSyncTest()
        var sr = new SynchronousRequest();

        //some data to send
        var msg = new
            jsonrpc = "2.0",
            method = "public/ticker",
            id = sr.requestId, //Response should contain the same ID
            @params = new
                instrument_name = "ETH"


        //Below WaitOne() causes the entire websocket connection/thread to block
        // No further messages will be received by HandleMessage() once we call WaitOne()

        sr.resetEvent.WaitOne(); //Wait until we receive notification that response has been received

        //do some processing on response here... 

       //Synchronous request completed, remove it from list

    protected override void OnReceivedMessage(System.Object sender, WebSocketSharp.MessageEventArgs e)
        dynamic message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(e.Data);

        if (message.id != null )
            //Find a resetEvent for given message.id
            var matchingSyncRequest = waitingSyncRequests.First(r => r.requestId == message.id);
            if (matchingSyncRequest != null)
                matchingSyncRequest.response = message;
                matchingSyncRequest.resetEvent.Set(); //Notify that response has been received



1 回答 1



  • 1.每当您发送需要其结果的消息时,您可以创建一个TaskCompletionSource(tcs) ,将其添加到 aDictionary并通过套接字发送消息。

  • 2.你await tcs.Task还是tcs.Task.Result那个tcs

  • 3.在另一个Thread/Task您可以处理您的传入responses(在您的情况下,您有收到的消息处理程序。每当您收到目标type或 的响应时id,您可以tcs根据id从字典中 获取它。在Task.SetResult(response)那一刻来电者(您正在等待的人被解锁)。

     public class Message
       public string ID{get;set;}
     public class Response
         public string Id{get;set;}
     public void MyClass
        private ConcurrentDictionary<string,TaskCompletionSource<Response>>map=new ConcurrentDictionary<string,TaskCompletionSource<Response>>();
        private Websocket socket;
        public void SomeEventTrigger()
            var msg=new Message{ Id="somespecialID" };
            var tcs=new TaskCompletionSource<Response>();
            var result=tcs.Result; //this gets blocked until you use `tcs.SetResult`- >  that would happen in your OnReceivedMessage  
            this.map.TryRemove(msg.Id,out TaskCompletionSource<Response>resp);
        protected override void OnReceivedMessage(System.Object sender, WebSocketSharp.MessageEventArgs e)
             Response message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Response>(e.Data);
             if (message.id != null )
                 if(this.map.TryGetValue(message.id),out TaskCompletionSource<Response> tcs)
                    tcs.SetResult(message); //this unblocks the method that wrote the message to the socket   (above)

PS 您需要确保您使用 Task.SetResult 正确的方法tcs以便正确调用SomeEventTrigger方法停止等待。

于 2020-07-16T11:52:57.073 回答