我正在尝试使用 ptest-bdd 运行测试。我使用了场景大纲,但变量用户名返回一个名称错误,说明用户名未定义。我将非常感谢我的代码的第二双眼睛。
Feature: Valid Login
As a employee,
I want to login to my account
So I can access the application
Given the login page is displayed
Scenario Outline: Manager enters correct login credentials and Ok button
When the user enters their <username> and <password> correctly
And the user clicks OK
Then the page redirects to the manager home page
Examples: Manager
| username | password |
| fake_name | 1234 |
这是 test_login_steps.py 代码:
from pytest_bdd import scenarios, scenario, given, when, then, parsers
from pages.signin import QaSigninPage
from pages.managerHomepage import QaManagerHomepage
import pytest
'username': str,
'password': str,
scenarios('../features/login.feature', example_converters=CONVERTERS)
# Create Page Objects
def pages(test_manager):
pages={"signin_PAGE": QaSigninPage(test_manager.browser),
"manager_home_PAGE": QaManagerHomepage(test_manager.browser)}
return pages
# Given Steps
@given('the login page is displayed')
def login_visit(pages):
@when('the user enters their <username> and <password> correctly')
def enter_credentials(pages):