我有一个相当长的代码块,我正在尝试将其从 VB6 转换为 VB.NET。ArcObjects GIS 代码基本上是查看一个表并将一堆 GIS 图层组合在一起,然后将它们添加到 ArcMap 目录中。在 Visual Studio 2010 中测试这条线时,我遇到了问题:
VB6 行是这样的:
Dim pEnumVar As IEnumVersionInfo, value As Varient
Dim pEnumVar As System.Collections.IEnumerator, value As Object 'I also tried value as String
value = pEnumVar.Next
value = pEnumVar.Current 'and I tried this value = pEnumVar.MoveNext
VB6 版本的“值”返回一个字符串,而 .NET 版本的“值”返回一个“”或 null。如何让“值”返回一个字符串?这是长代码。
Dim pLayer As ILayer
Dim pGrpLayer As IGroupLayer
Dim pStdTableColl As IStandaloneTableCollection
Dim pStdTable As IStandaloneTable = Nothing
Dim pTable As ITable = Nothing
Dim pTableSort As ITableSort
Dim pTblSortLyrs As ITableSort
Dim pRowLyrs As IRow
Dim pDataStat As IDataStatistics
Dim pCursor As ICursor
Dim pLyrCursor As ICursor
Dim pQf As IQueryFilter
Dim lngFldLayerName As Long
Dim lngFldPath As Long
Dim lngFldGroupOrder As Long
Dim lngFldGroupName As Long
Dim lngFldGroupTOCOrder As Long
Dim lngFldGroupVis As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim strLayerName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim lngGroupTOCOrder As Long
Dim blnGroupVis As Boolean
Dim pEnumVar As IEnumVersionInfo, value As Object ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Dim pODGSLyr As New ODGSLayer
'Find the Layer Files metadata table
pStdTableColl = m_pMap
For i = 0 To pStdTableColl.StandaloneTableCount - 1
pStdTable = pStdTableColl.StandaloneTable(i)
If pStdTable.Name = "ODGSLAYERS" Then
pTable = pStdTable
lngFldLayerName = pTable.FindField("LAYERNAME")
lngFldPath = pTable.FindField("PATH")
lngFldGroupOrder = pTable.FindField("GROUPORDER")
lngFldGroupName = pTable.FindField("GROUPNAME")
lngFldGroupTOCOrder = pTable.FindField("GROUPTOCORDER")
lngFldGroupVis = pTable.FindField("GROUPVISABLE")
End If
Next i
If pStdTable Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Sort the Table
pTableSort = New TableSort
With pTableSort
.Ascending("GROUPTOCORDER") = True
.Ascending("GROUPNAME") = True
.QueryFilter = Nothing
.Table = pTable
End With
pCursor = pTableSort.Rows
'Find Unique Values in the Table
pDataStat = New DataStatistics
pDataStat.Field = "GROUPNAME"
pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor
pEnumVar = pDataStat.UniqueValues
value = pEnumVar.Current ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Do Until IsDBNull(value)
'Now resort the table based upon the layer order in the group
pQf = New QueryFilter
pQf.WhereClause = "[GROUPNAME] = '" & value & "'"
pLyrCursor = pTable.Search(pQf, False)
pTblSortLyrs = New TableSort
With pTblSortLyrs
.Fields = "GROUPORDER"
.Ascending("GROUPORDER") = True
.QueryFilter = pQf
.Table = pTable
End With
'Get the newly sorted rows and create the new Group and Layers inside the Group
pLyrCursor = pTblSortLyrs.Rows
pRowLyrs = pLyrCursor.NextRow
'Create the new Group
lngGroupTOCOrder = pRowLyrs.Value(lngFldGroupTOCOrder)
blnGroupVis = pRowLyrs.Value(lngFldGroupVis)
pGrpLayer = New GroupLayer
pGrpLayer.Visible = blnGroupVis
pGrpLayer.Expanded = False
pGrpLayer.Name = pRowLyrs.Value(lngFldGroupName)
'Add layers to the new Group
Do Until pRowLyrs Is Nothing
strLayerName = pRowLyrs.Value(lngFldLayerName)
strPath = pRowLyrs.Value(lngFldPath)
pODGSLyr = New ODGSLayer
pLayer = pODGSLyr.LoadLayer(strPath, strLayerName)
pRowLyrs = pLyrCursor.NextRow
'Add the Group layer to the map
m_pMap.MoveLayer(pGrpLayer, lngGroupTOCOrder)
' Debug.Print "value - " & value & vbTab & "GroupVis = " & blnGroupVis
value = pEnumVar.Current ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<