I have spent a couple of days (like 4) trying to solve this issue. I followed the Hartl Rails 3 tutorial and in chapter 12 tried to convert the site from prototype to jQuery. I am not able to get the "follow"/"unfollow" button to update however.
I am able to issue jQuery commands from within Safari's Inspect Element Console, but if I put even the simplest jQuery command into the destroy.js.erb or create.js.erb files, nothing happens. The log is indicating that the appropriate relationships/destry.js.erb (or create.js.erb) file is rendering.
Here is the code that I have in the controller:
class RelationshipsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate
def create
@user = User.find(params[:relationship][:followed_id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to @user }
def destroy
@user = Relationship.find(params[:id]).followed
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to @user }
The users/_follow.html.haml is
- relationship = current_user.relationships.build(:followed_id => @user.id)
= form_for(relationship, :remote => true) do |f|
= f.hidden_field :followed_id
.actions= f.submit "Follow"
The users/_unfollow.html.haml is
- relationship = current_user.relationships.find_by_followed_id(@user)
- delete = { :method => :delete }
= form_for(relationship, :html => delete, :remote => true) do |f|
.actions= f.submit "Unfollow"
The users/_follow_form.html.haml is
- unless current_user?(@user)
- if current_user.following?(@user)
= render 'unfollow'
- else
= render 'follow'
The relationships/create.js.erb is
$("#follow_form").html("<%= escape_javascript(render('users/unfollow')) %>")
$("#followers").html('<%= "#{@user.followers.count} followers" %>')
The relationships/destroy.js.erb is
$("#follow_form").html("<%= escape_javascript(render('users/unfollow')) %>")
$("#followers").html('<%= "#{@user.followers.count} followers" %>')
However, in trying to diagnose this, I tried a very basic
which also does not work.