我有一个关于 Trackback 错误的快速问题

我的代码在 Jupyter 中运行良好,但是

在 CMD 中运行代码时出现错误。


似乎 CMD 无法识别虚拟变量“_”


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "Vending_Machine.py", line 86, in <module>

    print (' {} ({}) {} ({})'.format(drink[0], Vending(_, drink[0]).outofstock(), drink[1], 
Vending(_, drink[1]).outofstock()))

NameError: name '_' is not defined

有什么方法可以在 CMD 中使用此代码吗?


class Vending:
    def __init__(self, selection, soda): 
        self.__selection = selection 
        self.__soda = soda 
    def selection(self): 
        return self.__selection 
    def soda(self): 
        return self.__soda 
    def outofstock(self): 
        if stock[self.__soda] == 0: 
            return 'x' 
        else: # 
            return " " 

class Deposit(Vending): 
    Total = 0 
    Change = 0 
    def __init__ (self, selection, soda): 
        Vending.__init__(self, selection, soda) 
    def operating(self):
            if self.selection() in Accept_coin: 
                Deposit.Total += int(self.selection())/100  
                if Deposit.Change != 0:
                    Deposit.Change = 0 
                    return Deposit.Change  
                return Deposit.Total 
            elif self.selection() not in Accept_coin: 
                if Deposit.Change != 0: # 
                    Deposit.Change = 0 #
                if self.selection() == 'Quit':
                elif self.selection() not in drink: 
                    Deposit.Change += int(self.selection())/100
                    return Deposit.Change 
            if self.selection() in drink:
                if Deposit.Change != 0: 
                    Deposit.Change = 0 
                if Deposit.Total < 0.5: 
                    print('You do not have enough money to purchase it')
                if Deposit.Total >= 0.5: 
                    stock[self.selection()] -= 1 
                    Deposit.Change = Deposit.Total - 0.5 
                    Deposit.Total = 0 
        except ValueError:
            print('You put wrong input. Try again') 

Accept_coin = ['5', '10', '25'] 
drink = ['Coke', 'Jolt', 'Pepsi', 'Diet'] 
stock = {'Coke':2, 'Jolt':2, 'Pepsi':2, 'Diet':2} 
Breaking = [] 
while True: 
    print ('————————————————') 
    if 0 not in stock.values(): 
        print (' {} ( ) {} ( )'.format(drink[0], drink[1]))
        print (' {} ( ) {} ( )'.format(drink[2], drink[3]))
        print ('Total: {:,.2f}  Change: {:,.2f}'.format(Deposit.Total, Deposit.Change)) 
        print (' {} ({}) {} ({})'.format(drink[0], Vending(_, drink[0]).outofstock(), drink[1], Vending(_, drink[1]).outofstock()))
        print (' {} ({}) {} ({})'.format(drink[2], Vending(_, drink[2]).outofstock(),drink[3],Vending(_, drink[3]).outofstock()))
        print ('Total: {:,.2f}  Change: {:,.2f}'.format(Deposit.Total, Deposit.Change)) 
    a = Deposit(input('==:').title(), _).operating() 
    if 'Break' in Breaking: 


1 回答 1


只需在您收到此错误_ = ""之前添加,class Vending: 因为您尚未在类中定义它。我试过了,我得到了

 Coke ( ) Jolt ( )
 Pepsi ( ) Diet ( )
Total: 0.00  Change: 0.00
You do not have enough money to purchase it
 Coke ( ) Jolt ( )
 Pepsi ( ) Diet ( )
Total: 0.00  Change: 0.00
于 2020-05-27T15:12:32.207 回答