有谁知道如何在 Jqplot 中使“y 轴”值从 0 开始......默认情况下它以负值开始,例如:-500、0、500、1000 等等......请帮助


6 回答 6


Set min: object (minimum) to 0 within axes: object

 // your code here... //
  yaxis: {min:0}

As rsapru suggested, a max: object (maximum) value is recommended to bound the graph to your preferred range. For example, if you wanted the minimum to be 0 and maximum to be 7500

  yaxis: {min:0, max: 7500}

If you want to specify the graduations of the ticks you can do so manually by specifying ticks with the ticks: object or have jqPlot calculate tick spacing automatically (nothing other than min and max objects would be needed in that case) or by your specific number of ticks (using numberTicks: object)

Example: For tick 100 units apart, from 0 to 1000, using 11 ticks (0,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000) jqPlot automatic calculation:

  yaxis: {min:0, max: 1000, numberTicks: 11}

Example: For tick 100 units apart, from 0 to 1000, using 11 ticks (0,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000) manual specification:

  yaxis: {min:0, max: 1000, Ticks: [[0],[100],[200],[300],[400],[500],[600],[700],[800],[900],[1000]]}
于 2011-07-03T01:40:56.727 回答
                var plot2 = $.jqplot ('chartdiv', getRequestStats(), {
                // Give the plot a title.
                title: 'Daily Request Status',
                // You can specify options for all axes on the plot at once with
                // the axesDefaults object.  Here, we're using a canvas renderer
                // to draw the axis label which allows rotated text.
                axesDefaults: {
                    labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer
                // An axes object holds options for all axes.
                // Allowable axes are xaxis, x2axis, yaxis, y2axis, y3axis, ...
                // Up to 9 y axes are supported.
                axes: {
                    // options for each axis are specified in seperate option objects.
                    xaxis: {
                        label: "Hour",
                        // Turn off "padding".  This will allow data point to lie on the
                        // edges of the grid.  Default padding is 1.2 and will keep all
                        // points inside the bounds of the grid.
                        pad: 0
                    yaxis: {
                        label: "Count",
                        pad: 0

pad: 0 将使 Y 轴从 0 开始。

于 2012-05-13T01:35:39.830 回答

Refer to http://www.jqplot.com/docs/files/jqPlotOptions-txt.html

set yaxis: {min: 0, max: 500, numberTicks:5}

于 2011-06-02T06:07:48.027 回答

在您的 yaxis 中添加 yaxis: {min:0}

于 2014-10-17T13:36:28.007 回答


-> 在数组中添加零值。

-> 将数据渲染设置为 $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer

yaxis:{渲染器:$.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer .....



于 2013-09-18T19:16:11.513 回答


yaxis: {

在你的 yaxis 中。我试过了,它有效。

于 2014-12-09T06:16:12.860 回答