I'm developing an intranet application (C#) that uses some data (local to the web server) that we'd like to keep private. This data is encrypted (AES) using a legacy data repository. We can't totally prevent physical access to the machine.

Clearly, we're never going to have perfect security here. However, we want to make it as hard as possible for anyone to gain unauthorized access to the data.

The question is how best to store the key. Encrypting it based on some machine specific ID is an option, but that information would be readily available to anyone running a diagnostic tool on the machine.

Encoding it in the application is an option (it's a one off application). However, .NET assemblies are pretty easy to decompile. So, would it be best to obfuscate it, use an encryption launcher, compile it?

Or is there an option I'm missing?

Just so we're clear, I know it's pretty much a lost cause if someone is determined, but we're looking to make it as hard as possible within the constraints.


3 回答 3


Encryption is built into the .NET configuration system. You can encrypt chunks of your app/web.config file, including where you store your private key.


于 2009-03-06T18:34:15.660 回答





于 2012-09-30T17:17:42.787 回答

如果有人可以将调试器附加到您的程序,那么您绝对无能为力。他们不必弄清楚您的配置、反汇编您的应用程序等。他们所要做的就是运行应用程序 - 使用密钥观看它 - 宾果游戏。


最好的防御是使用硬件来保护密钥——它会进行加密但不会泄露密钥本身(并且有时会针对诸如探测电线、将内存暴露于低温/辐射/其他新奇事物等攻击进行强化) . IBM 做了一些适当的事情(谷歌 IBM-4764),但它并不便宜。

于 2009-03-06T20:38:46.797 回答