使用反射来检测 DLL 的存在。如果存在,则加载适当的类,并对它们进行额外调用。
创建一个接口或者抽象的logger类,使用依赖注入(Inversion of Control)将logger注入到需要做日志的组件中。如果您选择,您可以使用依赖注入库以松散耦合的方式指定您想要的实现。配置 DI 库以从额外的 DLL(如果存在)加载依赖项。
Castle.Windsor 有一个松耦合的日志接口(日志工具),您可以查看第二个选项。
using System;
using System.IO;
public interface ILogger
void WriteDebug(string debug);
void WriteInfo(string info);
void WriteError(string error);
public class NullLogger : ILogger
private static ILogger instance = new NullLogger();
// This singleton pattern is just here for convenience.
// We do this because pattern has you using null loggers constantly.
// If you use dependency injection elsewhere,
// try to avoid the temptation of implementing more singletons :)
public static ILogger Instance
get { return instance; }
public void WriteDebug(string debug) { }
public void WriteInfo(string info) { }
public void WriteError(string error) { }
public class FileLogger : ILogger, IDisposable
private StreamWriter fileWriter;
public FileLogger(string filename)
this.fileWriter = File.CreateText(filename);
public void Dispose()
if (fileWriter != null)
public void WriteDebug(string debug)
fileWriter.WriteLine("Debug - {0}", debug);
// WriteInfo, etc
public class SomeBusinessLogic
private ILogger logger = NullLogger.Instance;
public SomeBusinessLogic()
public void DoSomething()
logger.WriteInfo("some info to put in the log");
public ILogger Logger
get { return logger; }
set { logger = value; }
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// You're free to use a dependency injection library for this,
// or simply check for a DLL via reflections and load a logger from there
using (var logger = new FileLogger("logfile.txt"))
var someBusinessLogic = new SomeBusinessLogic()
// The component won't know which logger it is using - it just uses it
Logger = logger,