import csv
import simplekml
import pandas as pd
import glob

frame = pd.DataFrame()
kml = simplekml.Kml()
for file in filelist:
    a6 =pd.read_csv(file)
    for row in a6:
        kml.newpoint(name=a6['idfa'], description = a6['device_os'],coords = [(a6['longitude'], a6['latitude'])])

我喜欢使用文件名将每个单独的 csv 保存为自己的 kml


1 回答 1


在这里,您迭代的是列而不是行,然后pandas.Series作为列kml.newpoint而不是某些值传递给参数。使用DataFrame.apply()遍历数据框行并将每行添加一个点到您的 kml 对象,如下所示:

from os.path import join
from glob import iglob
from pathlib import Path

import simplekml
import pandas as pd

csv_dir = 'path/to/csv/directory'
kml_dir = 'path/to/kml/directory'

for file in iglob(join(csv_dir, '*.csv')):
    # read the csv file
    df = pd.read_csv(file)
    # make an empty kml object
    kml = simplekml.Kml()
    # iterate over the rows and and add new points to kml
    df.apply(lambda x: kml.newpoint(name=x['idfa'], description = x['device_os'], coords=[(x['longitude'], x['latitude'])]), axis=1)
    # save it as kml with the csv filename
    kml.save(join(kml_dir, '{}.kml'.format(Path(file).stem)))

于 2020-05-20T19:57:16.527 回答