
test-serialization(9285,0x11c62fdc0) malloc: can't allocate region
*** mach_vm_map(size=18014398509486080) failed (error code=3)
test-serialization(9285,0x11c62fdc0) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug


template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & archive, const helib::PubKey & pubkey, const unsigned int version){
  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("inside save_construct_data");
  archive << &(pubkey.context);
  archive << pubkey.skBounds;
  archive << pubkey.keySwitching;
  archive << pubkey.keySwitchMap;
  archive << pubkey.KS_strategy;
  archive << pubkey.recryptKeyID;

template<class Archive>
void load_construct_data(Archive & archive, helib::PubKey * pubkey, const unsigned int version){
  helib::Context * context = new helib::Context(2,3,1); //random numbers since there is no default constructor
  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("deserializing context");
  archive >> context;
  std::vector<double> skBounds;
  std::vector<helib::KeySwitch> keySwitching;
  std::vector<std::vector<long>> keySwitchMap;
  NTL::Vec<long> KS_strategy;
  long recryptKeyID;
  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("deserializing skbounds");
  archive >> skBounds;
  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("deserializing keyswitching");
  archive >> keySwitching;
  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("deserializing keyswitchmap");
  archive >> keySwitchMap;
  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("deserializing KS_strategy");
  archive >> KS_strategy;
  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("deserializing recryptKeyID");
  archive >> recryptKeyID;
  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("new pubkey");
  //TODO: complete

template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & archive, helib::PubKey & pubkey, const unsigned int version){
  split_free(archive, pubkey, version);

template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & archive, helib::PubKey & pubkey, const unsigned int version){


  auto context = helibTestContext();
  helib::SecKey secret_key(context);
  // Compute key-switching matrices that we need
  // Set the secret key (upcast: SecKey is a subclass of PubKey)
  const helib::PubKey& original_pubkey = secret_key;

  std::string filename = "pubkey.serialized";

  std::ofstream os(filename, std::ios::binary);
    boost::archive::binary_oarchive oarchive(os);
    oarchive << original_pubkey;

  helib::PubKey * restored_pubkey = new helib::PubKey(helib::Context(2,3,1));
    std::ifstream ifs(filename, std::ios::binary);
    boost::archive::binary_iarchive iarchive(ifs);
    BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("calling deserialization");
    iarchive >> restored_pubkey;
    BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("done with deserialization");

    //tests ommitted


  1. 序列化与boost::archive::text_oarchive和都可以正常工作boost::archive::binary_oarchive。他们分别创建了一个 46M 和 21M 的文件(我知道很大)。

  2. 反序列化boost::archive::text_iarchive基本上在执行过程中停止了archive >> keySwitching;进程被自动杀死。这实际上是档案的最大部分。

  3. 我决定尝试一下,boost::archive::binary_iarchive因为文件大小只有一半,但我得到了开头显示的错误。执行从存档的第一次读取时发生错误:archive >> context;.

  4. 输入和输出(saveload_construct_data)之间的不对称是因为我找不到另一种方法来避免实现的派生类的序列化helib::PubKey。使用指针helib::PubKey给了我编译错误,要求对派生类进行序列化。如果有其他方式,我会全神贯注。



我正在为加密库HElib中的某些类实现反序列化,因为我需要通过网络发送密文。其中一类是helib::PubKey. 我正在使用boost 序列化库来实现。按照评论中的建议,我创建了一个要点来提供一个代表。有3个文件:

  1. serialization.hpp,它包含序列化实现。不幸的是,helib::PubKey依赖于许多其他类使文件相当长。所有其他类都有通过的单元测试。此外,我必须对类进行微小的修改,以实现序列化。我公开了私人成员
  2. test-serialization.cpp,它包含单元测试。
  3. 生成文件。运行 make 创建可执行的test-serialization

1 回答 1



它实际上在我的测试盒上分配了 0x1fffffffff20000 位(即 144 petabit)。这直接来自 IndexSet::resize()。

现在我对这里使用的 HElib 有严重的疑问std::vector<bool>(似乎使用类似的东西会更好boost::icl::interval_set<> 在此处输入图像描述

出色地。那简直是天方夜谭(IndexSet 序列化可以大大改进)。但是,真正的问题是您有未定义的行为,因为您没有反序列化与序列化相同的类型。

您序列化 a PubKey,但尝试反序列化为PubKey*. 呃。


  • 您必须修改库以公开私人成员。这很容易违反 ODR(使类布局不兼容)。

  • 您似乎将上下文视为“动态”资源,它将参与Object Tracking。这可能是一种可行的方法。但。你必须考虑所有权。


    helib::Context * context = new helib::Context(2,3,1);

    你永远不会使用它,也永远不会释放它。实际上,您只需用反序列化的实例覆盖它,该实例可能拥有也可能不拥有。第 22 条军规

    完全相同的情况发生在load_construct_datafor 中PubKey

  • 更糟糕的是,你完全无偿地为 each中的每个save_construct_data复制上下文对象:DoubleCRTSecKey

     auto context = polynomial->getContext();
     archive << &context;


  • 我很想假设两者中的上下文实例总是相同的?为什么不单独序列化上下文呢?

  • 事实上,我去分析了 HElib 源代码来检查这些假设。事实证明我是对的。没有什么可以在外部构建上下文

    std::unique_ptr<Context> buildContextFromBinary(std::istream& str);
    std::unique_ptr<Context> buildContextFromAscii(std::istream& str);



我会使用 HElib 的序列化代码(因为,为什么要重新发明轮子并制造大量错误?)。如果你坚持与 Boost Serialization 集成,你可以有你的蛋糕和吃它:

template <class Archive> void save(Archive& archive, const helib::PubKey& pubkey, unsigned) {
    using V = std::vector<char>;
    using D = iostreams::back_insert_device<V>;
    V data;
        D dev(data);
        iostreams::stream_buffer<D> sbuf(dev);
        std::ostream os(&sbuf); // expose as std::ostream
        helib::writePubKeyBinary(os, pubkey);
    archive << data;

template <class Archive> void load(Archive& archive, helib::PubKey& pubkey, unsigned) {
    std::vector<char> data;
    archive >> data;
    using S = iostreams::array_source;
    S source(data.data(), data.size());
    iostreams::stream_buffer<S> sbuf(source);
        std::istream is(&sbuf); // expose as std::istream
        helib::readPubKeyBinary(is, pubkey);

就这样。24 行代码。它将由图书馆作者进行测试和维护。你无法击败它(显然)。我对测试进行了一些修改,因此我们不再滥用私人细节。


通过分离出一个帮助器来处理 blob 写入,我们可以helib以非常相似的方式实现不同的类型:

namespace helib { // leverage ADL
    template <class A> void save(A& ar, const Context& o, unsigned) {
        Blob data = to_blob(o, writeContextBinary);
        ar << data;
    template <class A> void load(A& ar, Context& o, unsigned) {
        Blob data;
        ar >> data;
        from_blob(data, o, readContextBinary);
    template <class A> void save(A& ar, const PubKey& o, unsigned) {
        Blob data = to_blob(o, writePubKeyBinary);
        ar << data;
    template <class A> void load(A& ar, PubKey& o, unsigned) {
        Blob data;
        ar >> data;
        from_blob(data, o, readPubKeyBinary);




0079c07 Make it compile locally
b3b2cf1 Squelch the warnings
011b589 Endof investigations, regroup time

f4d79a6 Reimplemented using HElib binary IO
a403e97 Bitwise reproducible outputs



  • 文件serialization.hpp

    #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE main
    #include <helib/helib.h>
    #include <boost/serialization/split_free.hpp>
    #include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
    #include <boost/iostreams/stream_buffer.hpp>
    #include <boost/iostreams/device/back_inserter.hpp>
    #include <boost/iostreams/device/array.hpp>
    namespace /* file-static */ {
        using Blob = std::vector<char>;
        template <typename T, typename F>
        Blob to_blob(const T& object, F writer) {
            using D = boost::iostreams::back_insert_device<Blob>;
            Blob data;
                D dev(data);
                boost::iostreams::stream_buffer<D> sbuf(dev);
                std::ostream os(&sbuf); // expose as std::ostream
                writer(os, object);
            return data;
        template <typename T, typename F>
        void from_blob(Blob const& data, T& object, F reader) {
                sbuf(data.data(), data.size());
            std::istream is(&sbuf); // expose as std::istream
            reader(is, object);
    namespace helib { // leverage ADL
        template <class A> void save(A& ar, const Context& o, unsigned) {
            Blob data = to_blob(o, writeContextBinary);
            ar << data;
        template <class A> void load(A& ar, Context& o, unsigned) {
            Blob data;
            ar >> data;
            from_blob(data, o, readContextBinary);
        template <class A> void save(A& ar, const PubKey& o, unsigned) {
            Blob data = to_blob(o, writePubKeyBinary);
            ar << data;
        template <class A> void load(A& ar, PubKey& o, unsigned) {
            Blob data;
            ar >> data;
            from_blob(data, o, readPubKeyBinary);
  • 文件test-serialization.cpp

    #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE main
    #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
    #include <helib/helib.h>
    #include <fstream>
    #include "serialization.hpp"
    #include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
    #include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
    #include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
    #include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
    helib::Context helibTestMinimalContext(){
      // Plaintext prime modulus
      unsigned long p = 4999;
      // Cyclotomic polynomial - defines phi(m)
      unsigned long m = 32109;
      // Hensel lifting (default = 1)
      unsigned long r = 1;
      return helib::Context(m, p, r);
    helib::Context helibTestContext(){
      auto context = helibTestMinimalContext();
      // Number of bits of the modulus chain
      unsigned long bits = 300;
      // Number of columns of Key-Switching matix (default = 2 or 3)
      unsigned long c = 2;
      // Modify the context, adding primes to the modulus chain
      buildModChain(context, bits, c);
      return context;
    BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(serialization_pubkey) {
        auto context = helibTestContext();
        helib::SecKey secret_key(context);
        // Compute key-switching matrices that we need
        // Set the secret key (upcast: SecKey is a subclass of PubKey)
        const helib::PubKey& original_pubkey = secret_key;
        std::string const filename = "pubkey.serialized";
            std::ofstream os(filename, std::ios::binary);
            boost::archive::binary_oarchive oarchive(os);
            oarchive << context << original_pubkey;
            // just checking reproducible output
            std::ofstream os(filename + ".2", std::ios::binary);
            boost::archive::binary_oarchive oarchive(os);
            oarchive << context << original_pubkey;
        // reading back to independent instances of Context/PubKey
            // NOTE: if you start from something rogue, it will fail with PAlgebra mismatch.
            helib::Context surrogate = helibTestMinimalContext();
            std::ifstream ifs(filename, std::ios::binary);
            boost::archive::binary_iarchive iarchive(ifs);
            iarchive >> surrogate;
            // we CAN test that the contexts end up matching
            BOOST_TEST((context == surrogate));
            helib::SecKey independent(surrogate);
            helib::PubKey& indep_pk = independent;
            iarchive >> indep_pk;
            // private again, as it should be, but to understand the relation:
            // BOOST_TEST((&independent.context == &surrogate));
            // The library's operator== compares the reference, so it would say "not equal"
            BOOST_TEST((indep_pk != original_pubkey));
                // just checking reproducible output
                std::ofstream os(filename + ".3", std::ios::binary);
                boost::archive::binary_oarchive oarchive(os);
                oarchive << surrogate << indep_pk;
        // doing it the other way (sharing the context):
            helib::PubKey restored_pubkey(context);
                std::ifstream ifs(filename, std::ios::binary);
                boost::archive::binary_iarchive iarchive(ifs);
                iarchive >> context >> restored_pubkey;
            // now `operator==` confirms equality
            BOOST_TEST((restored_pubkey == original_pubkey));
                // just checking reproducible output
                std::ofstream os(filename + ".4", std::ios::binary);
                boost::archive::binary_oarchive oarchive(os);
                oarchive << context << restored_pubkey;


time ./test-serialization -l all -r detailed
Running 1 test case...
Entering test module "main"
test-serialization.cpp(34): Entering test case "serialization_pubkey"
test-serialization.cpp(61): info: check (context == surrogate) has passed
test-serialization.cpp(70): info: check (indep_pk != original_pubkey) has passed
test-serialization.cpp(82): info: check (restored_pubkey == original_pubkey) has passed
test-serialization.cpp(34): Leaving test case "serialization_pubkey"; testing time: 36385217us
Leaving test module "main"; testing time: 36385273us

Test module "main" has passed with:
  1 test case out of 1 passed
  3 assertions out of 3 passed

  Test case "serialization_pubkey" has passed with:
    3 assertions out of 3 passed

real    0m36,698s
user    0m35,558s
sys     0m0,850s



sha256sum pubkey.serialized*
66b95adbd996b100bff58774e066e7a309e70dff7cbbe08b5c77b9fa0f63c97f  pubkey.serialized
66b95adbd996b100bff58774e066e7a309e70dff7cbbe08b5c77b9fa0f63c97f  pubkey.serialized.2
66b95adbd996b100bff58774e066e7a309e70dff7cbbe08b5c77b9fa0f63c97f  pubkey.serialized.3
66b95adbd996b100bff58774e066e7a309e70dff7cbbe08b5c77b9fa0f63c97f  pubkey.serialized.4



手动改进 IndexSet 序列化代码的一种方法是同时使用vector<bool>

template<class Archive>
    void save(Archive & archive, const helib::IndexSet & index_set, const unsigned int version){
        std::vector<bool> elements;
        for (auto n : index_set)
            elements[n-index_set.first()] = true;
        archive << index_set.first() << elements;

template<class Archive>
    void load(Archive & archive, helib::IndexSet & index_set, const unsigned int version){
        long first_ = 0;
        std::vector<bool> elements;
        archive >> first_ >> elements;
        for (size_t n = 0; n < elements.size(); ++n) {
            if (elements[n])

更好的主意是使用dynamic_bitset(我碰巧为此贡献了序列化代码(请参阅如何序列化 boost::dynamic_bitset?)):

template<class Archive>
    void save(Archive & archive, const helib::IndexSet & index_set, const unsigned int version){
        boost::dynamic_bitset<> elements;
        for (auto n : index_set)
        archive << index_set.first() << elements;

template<class Archive>
    void load(Archive & archive, helib::IndexSet & index_set, const unsigned int version) {
        long first_ = 0;
        boost::dynamic_bitset<> elements;
        archive >> first_ >> elements;
        for (size_t n = elements.find_first(); n != -1; n = elements.find_next(n))


于 2020-05-29T01:47:39.247 回答