我对 CSV 写入功能有疑问,有时它会在文件中打印一个空行。如何检查或删除它,因为我不想在 CSV 中写入空行。我的 CSV 输出是:

CSV 输出


这是我对 CSV 的写入函数:

void Write_block_to_sd_card()
    while (fno.fname[0]);
    ff_result = f_open(&file, FILE_NAME, FA_READ | FA_WRITE | FA_OPEN_APPEND);
    if(ff_result != FR_OK)//Not passing if the file is missing
        if (ff_result != FR_OK)
            NRF_LOG_INFO("Unable to open or create file: " FILE_NAME ".");
            SD_CARD_PRESENT = 0;
    else//File was openned fine
        NRF_LOG_INFO("Writing to file as a block " FILE_NAME "...");
        SD_CARD_PRESENT = 1;
        //File is opened
        for(int i = 0; i<MAXIMUM_BUFFER_STORAGE;i ++)
            char buffer[50];//Buffer to hold output
            char stT1 [MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];//T1
            char stT2 [MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];//T2
            char stT3 [MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];//T3
            char stT4 [MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];//T4
            char stPd [MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];//Pdiff
            char stUT [MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];//Unix time

            sprintf(stT1,  "%d", SD_CARD_T1[i]);
            sprintf(stT2,  "%d", SD_CARD_T2[i]);
            sprintf(stT3,  "%d", SD_CARD_T3[i]);
            sprintf(stT4,  "%d", SD_CARD_T4[i]);
            sprintf(stPd,  "%f", SD_CARD_Pdiff[i]);
            sprintf(stUT,  "%d", SD_CARD_UNIX_TIME[i]);
            //Do not write the ID to the SD card only chuck over the Unix time

            snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\r\n",stUT,stT1,stT2,stT3,stT4,stPd);//Convert to a string
            if (strcmp(buffer, "") != 0)//Not null
                if((SD_CARD_T1[i] != 0) && (SD_CARD_T2[i] != 0) && (SD_CARD_T3[i] != 0) && (SD_CARD_T4[i] != 0))//Null check
                //Need to always write the correct length of data
                ff_result = f_write(&file, buffer, sizeof(buffer), (UINT *) &bytes_written);//Add the input data to the CSV file

                if (ff_result != FR_OK)
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("Write failed\r\n.");

            ID = ID + 1;//Increment the ID counter
        NRF_LOG_INFO("Write new entry %d bytes written.", (bytes_written*(MAXIMUM_BUFFER_STORAGE)));
    (void) f_close(&file);
    Time_stamp_id = ID;//Set the time stamp id to the latest value.

我有一组内部 char 数组,它们存储要写入 CSV 的数据值,我只是将它们循环并存储到 SD 卡中。但是,我不需要创建空行。


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