如何使用 OpenAi-Gym 和 Scoop 产生可重现的随机性?
每次重复该示例时,我都希望得到完全相同的结果。如果可能的话,我希望它与使用随机提供者(例如随机和 np.random)的现有库一起使用,这可能是一个问题,因为它们通常使用全局随机状态并且不为局部随机状态提供接口
import random
import numpy as np
from scoop import futures
import gym
def do(it):
observations = []
for i in range(3):
while True:
action = env.action_space.sample()
ob, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
if done:
return observations
env = gym.make("BipedalWalker-v3")
if __name__ == "__main__":
maxit = 20
results1 = futures.map(do, range(2, maxit))
results2 = futures.map(do, range(2, maxit))
for a,b in zip(results1, results2):
if np.array_equiv(a, b):
print("equal, yay")
print("not equal :(")
预期输出:equal, yay
实际输出:not equal :(
/home/chef/.venv/neuro/bin/python -m scoop /home/chef/dev/projekte/NeuroEvolution-CTRNN_new/random_test.py
[2020-05-18 18:05:03,578] launcher INFO SCOOP 0.7 1.1 on linux using Python 3.8.2 (default, Apr 27 2020, 15:53:34) [GCC 9.3.0], API: 1013
[2020-05-18 18:05:03,578] launcher INFO Deploying 4 worker(s) over 1 host(s).
[2020-05-18 18:05:03,578] launcher INFO Worker distribution:
[2020-05-18 18:05:03,578] launcher INFO 3 + origin
/home/chef/.venv/neuro/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gym/logger.py:30: UserWarning: WARN: Box bound precision lowered by casting to float32
warnings.warn(colorize('%s: %s'%('WARN', msg % args), 'yellow'))
/home/chef/.venv/neuro/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gym/logger.py:30: UserWarning: WARN: Box bound precision lowered by casting to float32
warnings.warn(colorize('%s: %s'%('WARN', msg % args), 'yellow'))
/home/chef/.venv/neuro/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gym/logger.py:30: UserWarning: WARN: Box bound precision lowered by casting to float32
warnings.warn(colorize('%s: %s'%('WARN', msg % args), 'yellow'))
/home/chef/.venv/neuro/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gym/logger.py:30: UserWarning: WARN: Box bound precision lowered by casting to float32
warnings.warn(colorize('%s: %s'%('WARN', msg % args), 'yellow'))
equal, yay
not equal :(
not equal :(
not equal :(
not equal :(
not equal :(
equal, yay
not equal :(
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
not equal :(
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
not equal :(
[2020-05-18 18:05:08,554] launcher ( INFO Root process is done.
[2020-05-18 18:05:08,554] launcher ( INFO Finished cleaning spawned subprocesses.
Process finished with exit code 0
/home/chef/.venv/neuro/bin/python /home/chef/dev/projekte/NeuroEvolution-CTRNN_new/random_test.py
/home/chef/.venv/neuro/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gym/logger.py:30: UserWarning: WARN: Box bound precision lowered by casting to float32
warnings.warn(colorize('%s: %s'%('WARN', msg % args), 'yellow'))
/home/chef/.venv/neuro/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scoop/fallbacks.py:38: RuntimeWarning: SCOOP was not started properly.
Be sure to start your program with the '-m scoop' parameter. You can find further information in the documentation.
Your map call has been replaced by the builtin serial Python map().
not equal :(
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
equal, yay
Process finished with exit code 0