
fun someFunctionThatReturnsNothing() { println("Doing some stuff") }
// this should give an error:
val value = someFunctionThatReturnsNothing()

我的用例是生成一个 DSL,其中 DSL 构建器和其他构建器中的子 DSL 之间可能存在名称冲突,具体取决于执行范围 - 例如:

// this is valid, calling RequestDSL.attribute(...) : Unit here,
val myRequest = request { 
  attribute {
    name = "foo"
    value = "bar"

// this is valid, calling AttributeDSLKt.attribute(...) : Attribute
val special = attribute {
  name = "special"
  value = "ops"
val myRequest = request { 
  extraAttribute = special

// this does not compile, but is confusing,
// because the compiler does not complain where the error was made  
val myRequest = request {
  // the user intends to call AttributeKt.attribute(...) : Attribute,
  // but the compiler can only call RequestDSL.attribute(...) : Unit here
  val special = attribute {
    name = "special"
    value = "ops"
  // this is confusing and should already have been prevented above:
  //    >> Type mismatch. Required: Attribute. Found: Unit. <<
  extraAttribute = special

如果我可以做类似RequestDSL.attribute(...) : void的事情,甚至不允许用户attribute(...)在 DSL 中作为表达式调用。这样可以避免这个问题。



我也尝试过Void,但它只是迫使我使返回可为空并返回 null 而不是在调用端给出错误。


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