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You can use relativedelta here, you just need to specify it correctly.

Make sure you specify today's date as a datetime object as well.

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

def add_calander(dmy, date):
    if dmy == 'D':
        value = int(input('How many days would you like to add?'))

        date = date + relativedelta(days=value)
    if dmy == 'M':
        value = int(input('How many months would you like to add?'))

        date = date + relativedelta(months=value)
    if dmy == 'Y':
        value = int(input('How many years would you like to add?'))

        date = date + relativedelta(years=value)

    return date

today = datetime.now()
dmy = input('Do you want to add days (D), months (M) or years (Y) to todays date?')

print(add_calander(dmy, today))

This allows a user to specify the day, month or year and returns a calculated value based off the calendar year using relativedelta.


Do you want to add days (D), months (M) or years (Y) to todays date?M
How many months would you like to add?5
2020-10-15 08:19:56.814910

Do you want to add days (D), months (M) or years (Y) to todays date?Y
How many years would you like to add?10
2030-05-15 08:20:03.624634

Do you want to add days (D), months (M) or years (Y) to todays date?D
How many days would you like to add?6
2020-05-21 08:20:24.311311
于 2020-05-14T22:21:51.140 回答