使用 C# 加密文本时遇到一个奇怪的问题。ReSharper(我同意)建议替换using
public object GetEncryptedOrDefault(object value, ICryptoTransform encryptor)
if (encryptor is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(encryptor));
var isEncryptionNeeded = value != null;
if (isEncryptionNeeded)
using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using (var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using var writer = new StreamWriter(cryptoStream);
var valueAsText = value.ToString();
var encryptedData = memoryStream.ToArray();
var encryptedText = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedData);
return encryptedText;
return default;
public object GetEncryptedOrDefault(object value, ICryptoTransform encryptor)
if (encryptor is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(encryptor));
var isEncryptionNeeded = value != null;
if (isEncryptionNeeded)
using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
using var writer = new StreamWriter(cryptoStream);
var valueAsText = value.ToString();
var encryptedData = memoryStream.ToArray();
var encryptedText = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedData);
return encryptedText;
return default;
更新 1 感谢 Emanuel 的回答,只有当要加密的文本大于 15 个字符时,我才能使其工作。这真是奇怪。在 15 个字符以下,只有带有“老式” using 块的代码才能工作,而不是使用 using 声明的代码。
我在 Github 的这个示例 repo 中重现了这个问题。
即使这个问题与 AesManaged (我不知道)有关,为什么第一种方法会成功,而第二种方法对于任何 15 个或更少字符的文本会失败?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var encryptor = GetEncryptor();
var text = "Under 15 characters this text causes problems";
while (text.Length >= 0)
text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 1);
Console.WriteLine($"Result Method A with {text.Length} characters: {GetWorkingEncrypted(text, encryptor)}");
Console.WriteLine($"Result Method B with {text.Length} characters: {GetNonWorkingEncrypted(text, encryptor)}");
private static string GetWorkingEncrypted(string text, ICryptoTransform encryptor)
using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using (var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using var writer = new StreamWriter(cryptoStream);
var encryptedData = memoryStream.ToArray();
if (encryptedData.Length == 0)
throw new Exception($"Encrypted data is 0 for text {text}");
var encryptedText = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedData);
return encryptedText;
private static string GetNonWorkingEncrypted(string text, ICryptoTransform encryptor)
using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
using var writer = new StreamWriter(cryptoStream);
var encryptedData = memoryStream.ToArray();
if (encryptedData.Length == 0)
throw new Exception($"Encrypted data is 0 for text \"{text}\" with length {text.Length}");
var encryptedText = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedData);
return encryptedText;
private static ICryptoTransform GetEncryptor()
var aesManaged =
new AesManaged
Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7
return aesManaged.CreateEncryptor();
Result Method A with 44 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3937Peo255iHRylA9DF0lf4K+
Result Method B with 44 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 43 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934Pwaqyce+T6SG3WaqnzNRt
Result Method B with 43 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 42 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3936tIT0560Lky1gz3FXKHU3Y
Result Method B with 42 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 41 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934xr6AiKuSxRet/e8iWhLEV
Result Method B with 41 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 40 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3937gCR2Lf9zQClOlCFw51dVo
Result Method B with 40 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 39 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3936OjZ4HEtzkcIjVMUJcDzum
Result Method B with 39 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 38 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3936ti1b7pskEFKb2zJrRkVaD
Result Method B with 38 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 37 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3937rKO73A+OiHd1aAMqOd3Df
Result Method B with 37 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 36 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934/BNp0BiYZPRMUUiODp/kb
Result Method B with 36 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 35 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3935sjuGp/uE4fVOn26J1ESzH
Result Method B with 35 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 34 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+39360AAj7hDLcnbMZH7aknpDl
Result Method B with 34 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 33 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3935EfO82m/jR81he3Jt4z1h+
Result Method B with 33 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 32 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934zeVj3CoE5YIFK8/g07QmH
Result Method B with 32 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJH/fCQbNFhCvzfbFP+3934=
Result Method A with 31 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZCRCNZXU9Ndp7uKLJkUXFsw=
Result Method B with 31 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 30 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJ1WbVjggwJM3uOTZ2dHx5c=
Result Method B with 30 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 29 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZDiI785bQRbNeZX2aNFQvZo=
Result Method B with 29 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 28 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZMmLT/ycIHWz0sjPsdfg/ys=
Result Method B with 28 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 27 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZJDekWQLgx9tTUE/59ldSqs=
Result Method B with 27 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 26 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZKIkr5xwCc8SS9eSnw715vk=
Result Method B with 26 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 25 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZFAtZM8oTV/uTBb6OccqErc=
Result Method B with 25 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 24 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZD5BAXR9qZav1rG5NnaLEQQ=
Result Method B with 24 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 23 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZFof3ATUQWJqiZ2wZ6Gj4Vc=
Result Method B with 23 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 22 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZNWhgIhTYyERb74rKEl8bos=
Result Method B with 22 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 21 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZIsgSoHGJT3XysDLqmV9Bi0=
Result Method B with 21 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 20 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZO0ZdC9DzISByS5T1Rx4hQ4=
Result Method B with 20 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 19 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZBFfUwWYJ5ECKF2JexKf8Xk=
Result Method B with 19 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 18 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZNkZyUqqwkELWI4JN14M2RE=
Result Method B with 18 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 17 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZOKdO3s345tAlCrN+q3QV68=
Result Method B with 17 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 16 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZE6HtWd1ZLwZMvy3E9Bm5CI=
Result Method B with 16 characters: /ppBS775B1KRShB+QKTLZA==
Result Method A with 15 characters: OMMFxti/svtQ/Z5fqaLaEg==
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Encrypted data is 0 for text "Under 15 charac" with length 15
at IssueEncryptionStreamEmpty.Program.GetNonWorkingEncrypted(String text, ICryptoTransform encryptor) in /media/sasw/Data/src/issue-encryption-stream-empty/Program.cs:line 53
at IssueEncryptionStreamEmpty.Program.Main(String[] args) in /media/sasw/Data/src/issue-encryption-stream-empty/Program.cs:line 17
Process finished with exit code 134.