我已经下载了 liquibase-4.0.0-beta1,并希望使用现有的 SQL Anywhere 17 数据库对其进行设置。我试过运行以下命令:

--logLevel=debug generateChangeLog


[2020-05-12 12:05:59] INFO [liquibase.integration] No Liquibase Pro license key supplied. Please set liquibaseProLicenseKey on command line or in liquibase.properties to use Liquibase Pro features.
Liquibase Community 4.0.0-beta1 by Datical
Starting Liquibase at 12:05:59 (version 4.0.0-beta1 #6 built at 2020-04-20 18:23+0000)
Unexpected error running Liquibase: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Connection could not be created to jdbc:sqlanywhere:uid=dba;pwd=sql;eng=test123456;PreventNotCapable=y with driver com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver.  Possibly the wrong driver for the given database URL
For more information, please use the --logLevel flag
[2020-05-12 12:06:00] SEVERE [liquibase.integration] Unexpected error running Liquibase: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Connection could not be created to jdbc:sqlanywhere:uid=dba;pwd=sql;eng=test123456;PreventNotCapable=y with driver com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver.  Possibly the wrong driver for the given database URL
liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Connection could not be created to jdbc:sqlanywhere:uid=dba;pwd=sql;eng=test123456;PreventNotCapable=y with driver com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver.  Possibly the wrong driver for the given database URL

我还没有找到有关 SQL Anywhere 的连接字符串 (URL) 的信息,谁能帮助我解决我做错了什么?



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