我编写了一个共享库,它使用 CefSharp.Offscreen 来完成 html 检索工作。当控制台应用程序调用它时它工作正常。但是当一个 WinForm 应用连接它时,在执行 tcs.TrySetResult(true) 之后,它并没有像在控制台应用中那样跳转到 await browser.GetSourceAsync()。
在 WinForm App 中,如果没有创建任何 UI 元素并且不在 UI 构造函数中,它可能会成功,但如果我在调用共享库之前创建 UI 元素,它总是会失败。
以另一种方式,我强制调用“var source = await browser.GetSourceAsync();” 获取当前的 html 源代码,但在 WinForm 连接中仍然没有响应。
static void Main()
// I can put the init code here, but it does not help
TextBox tb = new TextBox(); // this blocks below call
CefSimpleLib.CefTest cf = new CefSimpleLib.CefTest();
Application.Run(new FormMain());
namespace CefSimpleLib
public class CefTest
public CefTest()
// You need to replace this with your own call to Cef.Initialize();
// Default is to use an InMemory cache, set CachePath to persist cache
Cef.Initialize(new CefSettings { CachePath = "cache" });
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 1000);
private async void MainAsync()
var browserSettings = new BrowserSettings();
//Reduce rendering speed to one frame per second, tweak this to whatever suites you best
browserSettings.WindowlessFrameRate = 1;
using (var browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser("https://www.baidu.com", browserSettings))
await LoadPageAsync(browser);
var source = await browser.GetSourceAsync();
await Task.Delay(10);
public Task LoadPageAsync(IWebBrowser browser)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
EventHandler<LoadingStateChangedEventArgs> handler = null;
handler = (sender, args) =>
//Wait for while page to finish loading not just the first frame
if (!args.IsLoading)
browser.LoadingStateChanged -= handler;
browser.LoadingStateChanged += handler;
return tcs.Task;