我想移动图像位置并想在使用 Aspose.slides 的 C# 中的 PPT 中设置图像大小。我该如何解决这个问题?
395 次
1 回答
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Shapes();
// Create directory if it is not already present.
bool IsExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(dataDir);
if (!IsExists)
// Instantiate Presentation class that represents the PPTX
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
// Get the first slide
ISlide sld = pres.Slides[0];
// Instantiate the ImageEx class
System.Drawing.Image img = (System.Drawing.Image)new Bitmap(dataDir+ "aspose-logo.jpg");
IPPImage imgx = pres.Images.AddImage(img);
// Add Picture Frame with height and width equivalent of Picture
IPictureFrame pf = sld.Shapes.AddPictureFrame(ShapeType.Rectangle, 50, 150, imgx.Width, imgx.Height, imgx);
// Apply some formatting to PictureFrameEx
pf.LineFormat.FillFormat.FillType = FillType.Solid;
pf.LineFormat.FillFormat.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.Blue;
pf.LineFormat.Width = 20;
pf.Rotation = 45;
//Write the PPTX file to disk
pres.Save(dataDir + "RectPicFrameFormat_out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
于 2020-05-11T13:43:36.290 回答