我在 pgf 中写了一些形状,我并不真正了解它是如何工作的,但我设法通过了文档。
% The 'minimum width' and 'minimum height' keys, not the content, determine
% the size
% This is redundant, but makes some things easier:
% Inherit from rectangle
% Define same anchor a normal rectangle has
\anchor{north}{\northeast \pgf@x=0pt}
\anchor{east}{\northeast \pgf@y=0pt}
\anchor{south}{\southwest \pgf@x=0pt}
\anchor{west}{\southwest \pgf@y=0pt}
\anchor{north east}{\northeast}
\anchor{north west}{\northeast \pgf@x=-\pgf@x}
\anchor{south west}{\southwest}
\anchor{south east}{\southwest \pgf@x=-\pgf@x}
\advance\pgf@x by -.5\wd\pgfnodeparttextbox%
\advance\pgf@y by -.5\ht\pgfnodeparttextbox%
\advance\pgf@y by +.5\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox%
% Define anchors for signal ports
% Draw the rectangle box and the port labels
% Rectangle box
% Drawing Triangle for clock input
% upper left x
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x
\northeast \pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@yb=\pgf@y \pgf@xb=\pgf@x
\pgf@xc=\pgf@x \pgf@yc=\pgf@y
\advance\pgf@xa by .15mm
\advance\pgf@xb by -.15mm
\advance\pgf@yc by -\pgf@x
\tikzset{flip flop/port labels} % Use font from this style
%Drawing CLK circuit
\pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
\advance\pgf@yb by \pgf@x
%Draw clock label
%Drawing PC circuit
\pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@yb=\pgf@y \pgf@xa=\pgf@x
%\advance\pgf@xb by \pgf@x
%Drawing PC' circuit
\pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@yb=\pgf@y\pgf@xa=\pgf@x
%\advance\pgf@xb by \pgf@x
\node [reg,black!50,ports=3] (PC) at (0,0) {};
但我在文档中找不到允许自定义参数的内容。我还想命名锚点 A1、A2 和 A3,但我似乎无法在名称中添加数字,即使在文档中明确指出“1”和“::”之类的名称应该没问题,但仍然“ A1”是。
如果有人对如何做到这一点有任何想法,我感谢您的帮助。也许还有一些更好的参考来用 pgf 创建形状。
为了编辑 tex 文件,我使用 Overleaf 和 pdflatex。
\pgfkeys{\microarchbasekey/.is family}
\pgf@x = \pgfkeysvalueof{\microarchbasekey/spacing}
%a lot of code down there
A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)