I am getting an intermittent errror while calling apex_web_service. Normally it works fine but sometimes suddenly it gives "No table or View exists error", without any code change.

I have to click a button to call this webservice. And when I get this error and click on the same button again, the error goes away and everything works fine. So this is really an intermittent issue which suddenly pops up and goes away by clicking the button again.

Can somebody help me understand why this could be ocurring.

Regards, Abha


1 回答 1


您应该重新启动 ORDS 以解决此间歇性问题。如果可能,您可能希望升级到最新的 ORDS。另外,请确保您的浏览器缓存已被删除并重新启动您的浏览器。

于 2020-05-18T07:52:57.870 回答