After reading all stack commentary and trial running several other Python IDEs I'd like to use WingIDE for Python but getting stuck on debug process. I want to:

1) test a script of def function module in editor that prompts user for response (ie raw_input('Enter your Name')
2) enter the corresponding input in the Python shell when prompted
3) see the results of function in Python Shell

However this is the error message I receive in WingIDE Messages box:
Debugger: Listening for back-connection
Debugger: Connected to debug process
Debugger: Debug process running: pid=27554 [0 modules loaded]
Debugger: No debug process/not listening for connections

Message in WingIDE OS Commands: Process Failed to Start

Project PythonPath is set to:



1 回答 1


OS 命令工具不在调试器中运行,而只是在单独的进程空间中运行。在 Debug 菜单中使用 Debug/Continue,然后您将在 Debug I/O 工具中看到 raw_input() 的提示,您可以在那里输入您的输入。如果您想在 Python Shell 中工作,请使用 Source 菜单中的 Evaluate File in Python Shell。您可能希望在“帮助”菜单中完成教程。

于 2012-02-09T15:03:30.727 回答