Bazel 最近对我来说一直很好,但我偶然发现了一个我还没有找到满意答案的问题:


表达问题的另一种方式:如何获得与在glob()整个 Bazel 工作区中进行操作等效的功能?



乍一看,glob()这听起来是个好主意,但一旦遇到 BUILD 文件就会停止。


当前的方法是在沙箱之外运行收集/生成逻辑,但这有点脏,我想知道是否有一种既“正确”又简单的方法(即,不需要每个 BUILD 文件显式公开其降价文件。

有没有办法在工作区中指定一些将添加到所有 BUILD 文件中的默认规则?


1 回答 1


You could write an aspect for this to aggregate markdown files in a bottom-up manner and create actions on those files. There is an example of a file_collector aspect here. I modified the aspect's extensions for your use case. This aspect aggregates all .md and .markdown files across targets on the deps attribute edges.

FileCollector = provider(
    fields = {"files": "collected files"},

def _file_collector_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
    # This function is executed for each dependency the aspect visits.

    # Collect files from the srcs
    direct = [
        for f in ctx.rule.files.srcs
        if ctx.attr.extension == f.extension

    # Combine direct files with the files from the dependencies.
    files = depset(
        direct = direct,
        transitive = [dep[FileCollector].files for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps],

    return [FileCollector(files = files)]

markdown_file_collector_aspect = aspect(
    implementation = _file_collector_aspect_impl,
    attr_aspects = ["deps"],
    attrs = {
        "extension": attr.string(values = ["md", "markdown"]),

Another way is to do a query on file targets (input and output files known to the Bazel action graph), and process these files separately. Here's an example querying for .bzl files in the rules_jvm_external repo:

$ bazel query //...:* | grep -e ".bzl$"
于 2020-05-07T07:18:48.433 回答