我们有一个基于 netbeans 富客户端平台的应用程序。



(如果我们不必实现我们自己的启动器来检查 netbeans 用户目录的锁以传递替代用户目录,我们会更喜欢)

netbeans RCP 中是否有内置方法可以轻松支持多个实例?



2 回答 2


所以,找不到合适的方法来做到这一点(似乎它可以通过一个新的启动器输入参数与 nb 7 一起使用),我的同事以一种有点骇人听闻的方式实现了它。

他创建了一个替代主类,它检查和操作 user-dir 属性,因此每个实例都有自己的 userdir。

我仍然对 netbeans 没有这个功能感到惊讶!

import java.io.File;

import org.netbeans.Main;

 * Launches Netbeans Rich Client Platform application where mulitple instances of 
 * the application can run simultaneously for the same user.
 * <p>
 * Netbeans does not allow to run several instances of an application for the same 
 * user simultaneously, but this class does the job by fooling Netbeans.
 * If an instance is already running then a new folder is created and used for this instance.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This is quite tricky and this class is indeed a hack to override Netbeans behaviour.
 * An example makes it a little easier to understand, when application is first started 
 * Netbeans userdir is set from a configuration file like {@code etc/xxxxx.conf} to something like:<br>
 * {@code /home/username/.xxxxx/dev/} which includes a lock file.
 * <br>
 * If application is started again then this lock file is checked and Netbeans tries to connect to the other instance through a socket.
 * This class does the trick by never using this folder but instead creating unique directories for each instance like:<br>
 * {@code /home/username/.xxxxx/instance_01/netbeans/}<br>
 * {@code /home/username/.xxxxx/instance_02/netbeans/}<br>
 * {@code /home/username/.xxxxx/instance_03/netbeans/}<br>
 * ...
 * </p>
public class MultipleInstancesMain
    /** Key for Netbeans default user dir */
    private static final String NETBEANS_USER = "netbeans.user";

    /** Argument to Netbeans for alternate user dir */
    private static final String USERDIR_ARG = "--userdir";

    /** Like "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\.xxxxx" or "/home/username/.xxxxx" */
    private static final File MAIN_DIR = getMainDir();

    /** Sub dir of MAIN_DIR for each instance of application */
    private static final String INSTANCE_DIR = "instance";

    /** Sub dir of INSTANCE_DIR where netbeans stores it's settings, logs and cache */
    private static final String NETBEANS_SUBDIR = "netbeans";

    /** Name of Netbeans lock file inside of NETBEANS_SUBDIR */
    private static final String LOCKFILE = "lock";

    /** Max number of instance directories we allow */
    private static final int MAX_DIR_COUNT = 999;

    /** Padding of instance dir */
    private static final String PAD = "000";
    private static final int PAD_LENGTH = PAD.length();

     * Lock file could be present even though application is not running (after crash).
     * So we treat it as "dead" after some time, to prevent "dead directories".
    private static final long LOCKFILE_MAX_AGE_IN_MILLIS = 1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L * 30L; // 30 days

     * Launches application with multiple instances support.
     * @param args command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        // Get directory for this instance
        String[] userDir = new String[2];
        userDir[0] = USERDIR_ARG;
        userDir[1] = getNetbeansDir();

        // Remove default dir and set this class not to run again

        // Start Netbeans again with new userdir and default main class
        startNetbeans(args, userDir);

     * Starts Netbeans.
     * @param oldArgs command line arguments
     * @param newArgs new arguments added
    private static void startNetbeans(String[] oldArgs, String[] newArgs)  throws Exception
        String[] args = new String[oldArgs.length + newArgs.length];

        for (int i = 0; i <oldArgs.length; i++)
            args[i] = oldArgs[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < newArgs.length; i++)
            args[oldArgs.length + i] = newArgs[i];


     * @return the directory that Netbeans will use for this instance of the application 
    private static String getNetbeansDir()
        for(int i = 1; i <= MAX_DIR_COUNT; i++)
            File instanceDir = getSuffixedInstanceDir(i);
            if (isLockFileFree(instanceDir))
                File dirToUse = new File(instanceDir, NETBEANS_SUBDIR);
                return dirToUse.getAbsolutePath();

        // This would probably never happen, but we don't want an eternal loop above
        String errorMessage = String.format("Unable to find Netbeans userdir, %s dirs checked in '%s'", 
                MAX_DIR_COUNT, MAIN_DIR.getAbsolutePath());
        throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);

    private static File getSuffixedInstanceDir(int count)
        String suffix = PAD + count;
        suffix = suffix.substring(suffix.length() - PAD_LENGTH);
        File suffixedDir = new File(MAIN_DIR, INSTANCE_DIR + "_" + suffix);
        return suffixedDir;

     * Checks is if Netbeans lock file is free.
     * @param instanceDir directory to look for Netbeans directory and lock file in 
     * @return true if {@code instanceDir} does not have a Netbeans folder with a occupied lock file
    private static boolean isLockFileFree(File instanceDir)
        File netbeansDir = new File(instanceDir, NETBEANS_SUBDIR);
        File lockFile = new File(netbeansDir, LOCKFILE);

        if (lockFile.exists())
            return deleteLockFileIfOldEnough(lockFile);
            return true;

     * Deletes the lock file if it's old enough.
     * @param lockFile lock file to delete
     * @return true if it was deleted
    private static boolean deleteLockFileIfOldEnough(File lockFile)
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long fileCreated = lockFile.lastModified();
        long ageInMillis = currentTime - fileCreated;

        if (ageInMillis > LOCKFILE_MAX_AGE_IN_MILLIS)
            return lockFile.delete();
            return false;

     * Netbeans is started with a default userdir, but we need to have a unique dir for each instance.
     * Main dir is the directory where directories of all instances are.
     * @return main directory in users home area where application settings, logs and cache is stored
    private static File getMainDir()
        String defaultNetbeansDir = System.getProperty(NETBEANS_USER);
        File mainDir = new File(defaultNetbeansDir).getParentFile();
        return mainDir;

     * Since we don't use default Netbeans dir at all, we remove it completely.
    private static void deleteDefaultNetbeansDir()
        File defaultNetbeansDir = new File(System.getProperty(NETBEANS_USER));
        Thread t = new Thread(new DirectoryDeleter(defaultNetbeansDir), "NetbeansDirDeleter");

     * There are unpredictable behaviour when deleting Netbeans default directory, sometime it succeeds and sometimes not.
     * But after some attempts it always succeeds, by deleting it in the background it will eventually be deleted.
     * @author username
    private static class DirectoryDeleter implements Runnable
        private static final long SLEEP_TIME = 3000;
        private final File dirToDelete;

        DirectoryDeleter(File dirToDelete)
            this.dirToDelete = dirToDelete;

         * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
        public void run()
                catch (InterruptedException e)
                    // No idea to do anything here, should never happen anyway...

         * Deletes a file or directory
         * @param dirFile directory or file to delete
         * @return true if deletion succeeded
        private boolean deleteDirOrFile(File dirFile)
            if (dirFile.isDirectory())
                for (File f : dirFile.listFiles())
                    boolean deleted = deleteDirOrFile(f);
                    if (!deleted)
                        return false;

            // The directory is now empty so delete it
            return dirFile.delete();
于 2009-03-11T20:59:16.173 回答

我是编写上面MultipleInstancesMain类的神秘开发人员 =)

作为对上述 Swati Sharma 和 uvaraj 问题的回答,这些注释可能会有所帮助:

(1) 上面的替代主类应该适用于基于 Netbeans Platform 6.5.1(我们的)构建的应用程序,其他版本我不知道。

(2) 我们将这个类保存在一个小项目中,该项目由我们应用程序的主要 build.xml ant 脚本(“套件”模块中的那个)构建。然后将 jar 复制到/[appname]/modules/文件夹(因此它位于 Netbeans 类路径中)

(3) 单独的项目不能是 Netbeans 模块,我猜会有循环依赖或 Netbeans 类加载器无法处理它或类似的东西。

(4) 然后通过向配置文件/[appname]/etc/.conf添加参数来启动我们的应用程序:


希望它有所帮助 // Uhlén

于 2010-09-16T18:26:38.150 回答