I am trying to use custom icons with a react tabbar navigation. However, all the tutorials and docs always just cover implementing icons by Ionicons or Materialdesign. Is there a way I can implement my own Icons?

This is how the code looks like atm:

<Tab.Navigator tabBarOptions={{
  inactiveTintColor: '#707070',
  activeTintColor: 'red',
  style: {
    backgroundColor: '#F1F1F1',
    height: 60,
    color: 'red',
    paddingBottom: 5
  <Tab.Screen name="Bestellungen" component={BestellungenOverview}/>
  <Tab.Screen name="Kunden" component={KundenOverview} />
  <Tab.Screen name="Zahlungen" component={ZahlungenOverview} />
  <Tab.Screen name="Statistiken" component={StatistikenOverview} />
  <Tab.Screen name="Einstellungen" component={Einstellungen} />


1 回答 1


You need to save your icons as a font. Check out these links and see if they help:



You need to take your .svg files and, using a service like IcoMoon, generate a .ttf font file and load that font into your application.

于 2020-05-02T22:38:09.500 回答