lambda 函数旨在使用 AWS 简单电子邮件服务 (SES) 进行电子邮件转发。“发件人”地址代表 AWS 托管的电子邮件收件箱,其中填满了消息。通过调用 lambda 函数对每个单独存储的电子邮件文件执行 S3 操作,这些消息被转发到最终的“收件人”地址。发件人和收件人电子邮件地址都在 SES 电子邮件验证系统中进行验证。但是,SES 正在阻止电子邮件转发。它检测到“发件人”地址等于“原始发件人”地址,根据定义,它代表一个未经验证的地址,因为它来自随机网站访问者。我的问题是,如何更改最终的消息结构以包含适当的“发件人”
import email
import os
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
region = os.environ['Region']
def get_message_from_s3(message_id):
incoming_email_bucket = os.environ['MailS3Bucket']
incoming_email_prefix = os.environ['MailS3Prefix']
print("incoming_email_bucket " + incoming_email_bucket)
print("incoming_email_prefix " + incoming_email_prefix)
if incoming_email_prefix:
object_path = (incoming_email_prefix + "/" + message_id)
object_path = message_id
object_http_path = (
print("object_http_path " + object_http_path)
# Create a new S3 client.
client_s3 = boto3.client("s3")
# Get the email object from the S3 bucket.
object_s3 = client_s3.get_object(Bucket=incoming_email_bucket, Key=object_path)
# Read the content of the message.
file = object_s3['Body'].read()
file_dict = {
"file": file,
"path": object_http_path
return file_dict
def create_message(file_dict):
sender = os.environ['MailSender']
print("sender " + sender)
recipient = os.environ['MailRecipient']
print("recipient " + recipient)
# The email message is loaded from a file.
email_message_original = email.message_from_string(file_dict['file'].decode('utf-8'))
# Create a new subject line.
subject_original = email_message_original['Subject']
print("subject_original " + subject_original)
separator = ";"
print("The message was received from "
+ separator.join(email_message_original.get_all('From'))
+ ". This message is archived at " + file_dict['path'])
email_message_original.replace_header("From", sender)
email_message_original.replace_header("To", recipient)
message = {
"Source": sender,
"Destinations": recipient,
# copy data from the original email message.
"Data": email_message_original.as_string()
return message
def send_email(message):
# Create a new SES client.
client_ses = boto3.client('ses', region)
# Send the email.
# Provide the contents of the email.
response = client_ses.send_raw_email(
'Data': message['Data']
# Display an error if something goes wrong.
except ClientError as e:
output = e.response['Error']['Message']
output = "Email sent! Message ID: " + response['MessageId']
return output
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# get the email message id
message_id = event['Records'][0]['ses']['mail']['messageId']
print(f"Received message ID {message_id}")
# Retrieve the file from the S3 bucket.
file_dict = get_message_from_s3(message_id)
# Create the message.
message = create_message(file_dict)
# Send the email and print the result.
result = send_email(message)