I am trying to get melt to work, but it seems, it doesn't support transparency (alpha channels)! Using the official watermarking example, I get a black background behind the PNG and don't see any video through.

melt \
test.mp4 out=1000 \
-track \
watermark1.png out=1000 \
-transition composite fill=1 in=0 out=1000 a_track=0 b_track=1 geometry=85%/5%:10%x10% sliced_composite=1 \

I installed melt via "brew" version 6.20.0 on a mac, obviously.

Any help would be much appreciated!


1 回答 1


你的命令非常适合我。我在 Windows 上,我使用了 Shotcut 附带的 melt.exe 命令。也许你的融化版本中缺少一些东西。考虑从这里下载 Shotcut:


然后,使用包含的 melt 版本来尝试您的命令。

另外,您确定您的 png 文件具有透明背景吗?对不起,但我只需要问一下。

于 2020-05-09T17:48:57.713 回答