
template < typename T, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols>
class BaseMatrix {...};


template < typename T, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols>
class DiagonalMatrix : public BaseMatrix<T,rows,cols>{..}


template < typename T, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols>
class StackDiagonalMatrix : public DiagonalMatrix<T, rows, cols> {..}

然后是一个类 Matrix,它提供了所有的数学功能。这个模板类实现了operator+、operator-等...

   template <typename T, 
             template<typename, unsigned, unsigned> class MatrixContainer,
             unsigned Rows, 
             unsigned Cols>
    class matrix;


template <typename T,unsigned Rows, unsigned Cols>
class matrix<T, BaseMatrix, Rows, Cols> {};

template <typename T,unsigned Rows, unsigned Cols>
class matrix<T, DiagonalMatrix, Rows, Cols>  {};

但是当我编写一个继承自 DiagonalMatrix 的 StackDiagonalMatrix 时,它没有找到 DiagonalMatrix 的特化——它实际上根本没有找到特化。

error: aggregate ‘matrix<int, StackDenseMatrix, 3u, 2u> matrix’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined




    template <typename T, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols>
    class BaseMatrix {
        static const unsigned rowSize = rows;
        static const unsigned colSize = cols;

    template <typename T, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols>
    class DenseMatrix : public BaseMatrix<T, rows, cols> {


    template <typename T, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols>
    class StackDenseMatrix : public DenseMatrix<T, rows, cols> {

        typedef T                                           value_type;

        value_type                                          grid[rows][cols];

    template<typename value_type, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols>
    StackDenseMatrix<value_type, rows,cols>::StackDenseMatrix () {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->rowSize; i++) {
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < this->colSize; j++) {
                grid[i][j] = 0;

    template <typename T, template<typename, unsigned, unsigned> class MatrixContainer ,unsigned Rows, unsigned Cols>
    class matrix;

    template <typename T,unsigned Rows, unsigned Cols>
    class matrix<T,BaseMatrix, Rows, Cols> {

int main () {
    matrix<int, StackDenseMatrix, 3, 2> matrix;
    return 0;

2 回答 2


继承不适用于模板特化。当你调用matrix<int,StackDenseMatrix,3,2> matrix;时,它会选择通用模板matrix,因为第二个参数是StackDenseMatrix,不是BaseMatrix。即使这些类通过继承相关,也没有任何区别,它们不是完全相同的类型,因此编译器不会选择matrix.


enum MatrixStorage {

enum MatrixStructure {
  DiagonalMatrix  //, ...

template <typename T, unsigned Rows, unsigned Cols>
class StackDenseMatrix {
    typedef T value_type;
    static const MatrixStorage Storage = DenseMatrix;
    static const MatrixStructure Structure = GeneralMatrix;

//General template with default arguments:
template <typename T, 
          template <typename, unsigned, unsigned> class MatrixContainer,
          unsigned Rows, unsigned Cols, 
          MatrixStorage Storage = MatrixContainer<T,Rows,Cols>::Storage,
          MatrixStructure Structure = MatrixContainer<T,Rows,Cols>::Structure>
class matrix;

//Specialization with given arguments:
template <typename T, 
          template <typename, unsigned, unsigned> class MatrixContainer,
          unsigned Rows, unsigned Cols>
class matrix<T,MatrixContainer,Rows,Cols,DenseMatrix,GeneralMatrix> {
  //implementation of matrix for when the container is dense and has general structure...

int main() {
  matrix<int,StackDenseMatrix,3,2> M; //no extra arguments, and the right specialization will be selected based on the traits of StackDenseMatrix.
  return 0;

我有自己的矩阵库,它严重依赖于模板元编程和通用编程技术,按照上述示例的思路,为不同类型的矩阵结构和存储提供矩阵运算的特殊实现,并且它以这种方式工作得很好。我曾经对不同的矩阵类型使用继承,但现在我已经切换到仅依赖类型特征、概念、策略和 Sfinae 开关,这是一个更实用的解决方案。

于 2011-05-27T17:50:16.523 回答

要解决您的问题,您可以使用基于策略的设计。您可以创建 Storage 和 Shape 的实例策略类。

class Diagonal  {
    // the default storage facility of a Diagonal matrix
    typedef Stack default_storage;

template <typename T, typename Shape = DefaultShape, typename Storage = DefaultStorage, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
class Matrix : public Storage, Shape {   // policy classes Storage and Shape
    template <typename T1, typename Shape1, typename Storage1, unsigned Row1, unsigned Col1>
    friend Matrix<T1,Shape1,Storage1,Row1,Col1>& operator += (Matrix<T1,Shape1,Storage1,Row1,Col1> matrix1,Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2);

    template <typename T1, typename Shape1, typename Storage1, unsigned Row1, unsigned Col1>
    friend Matrix<T1,Diagonal,Storage1,Row1,Col1>& operator += (Matrix<T1,Diagonal,Storage1,Row1,Col1> matrix1,Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2);

    template <typename T1, typename Shape1, typename Storage1, unsigned Row1, unsigned Col1>
    friend Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>& operator + (Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1, Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2);

    template <typename T1, typename Shape1, typename Storage1, unsigned Row1, unsigned Col1>
    friend Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col>& operator + (Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1, Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2);

// general template function
template <typename T, typename Shape, typename Storage, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>& operator + (Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1, Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2) {
    Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>* result = new Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < matrix1.getRowSize(); i++) {           // getRowSize is a member function of policy class Storage
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < matrix1.getRowSize(); j++) {
            (*result)(i,j) = matrix1.getValue(i,j) + matrix2.getValue(i,j);
    return *result;

// overloaded template function
template <typename T, typename Shape, typename Storage, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col>& operator + (Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1, Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2) {
    Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>* result = new Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < matrix1.getRowSize(); i++) {
        (*result)(i,i) = matrix1.getValue(i,i) + matrix2.getValue(i,i);
    return *result;

// general template function
template <typename T, typename Shape, typename Storage, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>& operator += (Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1,Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2)  {
    Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>* result = new Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>(matrix1); // copy constructor
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < matrix1.getRowSize(); i++) {
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < matrix1.getRowSize(); j++) {
            (*result)(i,j) = matrix1.getValue(i,j) + matrix2.getValue(i,j);
    return *result;

// overloaded template function
template <typename T, typename Shape, typename Storage, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col>& operator += (Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1,Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2) {
    Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>* result = new Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>(matrix1); // copy constructor
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < matrix1.getRowSize(); i++) {
        (*result)(i,i) = matrix1.getValue(i,i) + matrix2.getValue(i,i);
    return *result;


于 2011-05-28T20:26:34.483 回答