你会推荐什么 PHP 库来生成缩略图?我需要它与 GD(不仅是 Imagick)一起工作,能够在仅给定一个维度时拉伸图像或保持纵横比,并且 - 最重要的是 - 能够裁剪和调整图像大小(在生成缩略图时,我需要所有这些都是,假设是 128x128,所以我希望库在这种情况下裁剪图像)你有什么建议?
2741 次
3 回答
你可以试试这个:https ://gist.github.com/342704/
$resizer = new Resize('images/cars/large/input.jpg');
$resizer->resizeImage(150, 100, 0);
$resizer->saveImage('images/cars/large/output.jpg', 100);
于 2011-05-27T14:40:56.020 回答
我为我的框架phunction编写了自己的GD 包装器。一些例子:
$input = '/path/to/source/image.jpg';
$output = '/path/to/destination/image.jpg';
this will crop the biggest possible square (since 128/128 = 1)
from the center of the image and resize the width to 500px
while keeping the height porportional (to maintian aspect ratio)
ph()->Disk->Image($input, '128/128', '500*0', null, $output);
same as the above, but aspect ratio is not respected
since both width and height are specified
ph()->Disk->Image($input, '128/128', '500*1000', null, $output);
no cropping, just porpotional resize to the width
ph()->Disk->Image($input, null, '500*0', null, $output);
function Image($input, $crop = null, $scale = null, $merge = null, $output = null, $sharp = true)
if (isset($input, $output) === true)
if (is_string($input) === true)
$input = @ImageCreateFromString(@file_get_contents($input));
if (is_resource($input) === true)
$size = array(ImageSX($input), ImageSY($input));
$crop = array_values(array_filter(explode('/', $crop), 'is_numeric'));
$scale = array_values(array_filter(explode('*', $scale), 'is_numeric'));
if (count($crop) == 2)
$crop = array($size[0] / $size[1], $crop[0] / $crop[1]);
if ($crop[0] > $crop[1])
$size[0] = round($size[1] * $crop[1]);
else if ($crop[0] < $crop[1])
$size[1] = round($size[0] / $crop[1]);
$crop = array(ImageSX($input) - $size[0], ImageSY($input) - $size[1]);
$crop = array(0, 0);
if (count($scale) >= 1)
if (empty($scale[0]) === true)
$scale[0] = round($scale[1] * $size[0] / $size[1]);
else if (empty($scale[1]) === true)
$scale[1] = round($scale[0] * $size[1] / $size[0]);
$scale = array($size[0], $size[1]);
$image = ImageCreateTrueColor($scale[0], $scale[1]);
if (is_resource($image) === true)
ImageFill($image, 0, 0, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
ImageSaveAlpha($image, true);
ImageAlphaBlending($image, true);
if (ImageCopyResampled($image, $input, 0, 0, round($crop[0] / 2), round($crop[1] / 2), $scale[0], $scale[1], $size[0], $size[1]) === true)
$result = false;
if ((empty($sharp) !== true) && (is_array($matrix = array_fill(0, 9, -1)) === true))
array_splice($matrix, 4, 1, (is_int($sharp) === true) ? $sharp : 16);
if (function_exists('ImageConvolution') === true)
ImageConvolution($image, array_chunk($matrix, 3), array_sum($matrix), 0);
if ((isset($merge) === true) && (is_resource($merge = @ImageCreateFromString(@file_get_contents($merge))) === true))
ImageCopy($image, $merge, round(0.95 * $scale[0] - ImageSX($merge)), round(0.95 * $scale[1] - ImageSY($merge)), 0, 0, ImageSX($merge), ImageSY($merge));
foreach (array('gif' => 0, 'png' => 9, 'jpe?g' => 90) as $key => $value)
if (preg_match('~' . $key . '$~i', $output) > 0)
$type = str_replace('?', '', $key);
$output = preg_replace('~^[.]?' . $key . '$~i', '', $output);
if (empty($output) === true)
header('Content-Type: image/' . $type);
$result = call_user_func_array('Image' . $type, array($image, $output, $value));
return $result;
else if (count($result = @GetImageSize($input)) >= 2)
return array_map('intval', array_slice($result, 0, 2));
return false;
于 2011-05-27T14:25:09.923 回答