我正在尝试在此处访问 ERD 文件: https ://github.com/microsoft/Industry-Accelerator-Health/tree/master/documentation
现在,我更喜欢使用 PowerDesigner / Erwin 之类的工具来实际查看物理结构。任何建议,将不胜感激。
我正在尝试在此处访问 ERD 文件: https ://github.com/microsoft/Industry-Accelerator-Health/tree/master/documentation
现在,我更喜欢使用 PowerDesigner / Erwin 之类的工具来实际查看物理结构。任何建议,将不胜感激。
这是一个采用这种 ERD 模型的脚本,并尝试从中创建一个 PowerDesigner 面向对象模型。它不完整并忽略了一些信息,但它是一个开始。
Tools > Execute Commands > Edit/Run Script
在 PowerDesigner中运行。
option explicit
' load XML document
dim doc : set doc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
' create model
dim model : set model = CreateModel(PdOOM.Cls_Model, "|Language=Analysis|Diagram=ClassDiagram")
dim diagram : set diagram = model.DefaultDiagram
' start entities enumeration
dim entities : set entities = doc.getElementsByTagName("Entity")
dim e, count
count = 0
dim mapent : set mapent = createobject("Scripting.Dictionary")
for each e in entities
count = count+1
dim name : name = "Class_" + cstr(count)
dim n : set n = e.getElementsByTagName("Name")
if n.length > 0 then
name = n.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue
end if
dim p : set p = e.getElementsByTagName("Location")
dim x,y
if p.length > 0 then
x = p.item(0).attributes.getNamedItem("left").nodeValue
y = p.item(0).attributes.getNamedItem("top").nodeValue
x = 0
y = 0
end if
dim c : set c = model.classes.CreateNew
' keep track of entity by number, to draw relationships
mapent.add cstr(count),c
c.setNameAndCode name,name
dim sym : set sym = diagram.AttachObject(c)
if x <> 0 and y <> 0 then
'TODO check coordinates conversion, especially if autolayout is not called...
dim pos : set pos = sym.position
pos.x = x*50
pos.y = y*50 - 20000
end if
' add attributes
dim atts : set atts = e.getElementsByTagName("Member")
dim m
for each m in atts
if m.attributes.getNamedItem("type").nodeValue = "Field" then
dim str : str = m.firstChild.nodeValue
dim parts : parts = split(str,": ")
dim att : set att = c.attributes.CreateNew
att.setNameAndCode parts(0),parts(0)
att.datatype = parts(1)
end if
' create relatonships
dim rels : set rels = doc.getElementsByTagName("Relationship")
dim r
for each r in rels
dim first,second
first = cstr(r.attributes.getNamedItem("first").nodeValue)
second = cstr(r.attributes.getNamedItem("second").nodeValue)
if not mapent.exists(first) then output "cannot find " + first
if mapent.exists(first) and mapent.exists(second) then
dim cf,cs
set cf = mapent.item(first)
set cs = mapent.item(second)
dim a : set a = model.associations.createnew
'TOOD check direction...
set a.object1 = cf
set a.object2 = cs
end if