
我正在使用 Unity设计一个boid系统。当它进入对撞机时,我通过在“Swarm”列表中添加一个 boid 来处理感知半径。为了找到每个 boid 的力,我需要循环遍历 swarm 列表,访问“Boid”类,并检索速度和位置。


每个 swarm 实体的 Boid 类被添加到一个新列表中,并传递给物理控制器。但是,在第 96 行抛出了 NullReferenceException,我不明白为什么该变量会为空。据我所知,Enumerable<Boid>使用 foreach 访问填充的应该包含变量。

NullReferenceException:对象引用未设置为对象的实例 Boid.Alignment (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] boids) (at Assets/Scripts/Boid.cs:96) Boid.Update () (at Assets /Scripts/Boid.cs:42)

经过测试,似乎在访问新 Boid 列表的任何部分时都会抛出它。

为什么我的新列表没有数据?有没有更好的方法来处理 3D 空间中的 boid 的 2D 实现?有没有我可以用来更好地理解 Linq 的资源?

PS 我对使用 Linq 系统很陌生,大部分代码都取自这个视频这个 Unity 项目脚本


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

public class Boid : MonoBehaviour
// Global Variables
public Boid_Settings settings;

// Local Variables
public Rigidbody body;
public Vector2 acceleration;
public Vector2 velocity
    { return new Vector2(body.velocity.x, body.velocity.z); }
    { body.velocity = new Vector3(value.x, body.velocity.y, value.y); }
public Vector2 position
    { return new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z); }
public List<GameObject> swarm = new List<GameObject>();
public List<GameObject> targets = new List<GameObject>();

// Functions
private void Start()
    float angle = Random.Range(0, 2 * Mathf.PI);
    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, angle));
    velocity = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(angle), Mathf.Sin(angle));

private void Update()
    IEnumerable<Boid> boids = swarm.Select(o => o.GetComponent<Boid>()).ToList(); //Line 40

    Vector2 alignment = Alignment(boids); //LINE 42
    Vector2 separation = Separation(boids);
    Vector2 cohesion = Cohesion(boids);

    acceleration = settings.alignmentWeight * alignment + settings.cohesionWeight * cohesion + settings.seperationWeight * separation;


// Entity Awareness Assignment
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider)
    if (collider.CompareTag("Zombie"))
    { swarm.Add(collider.gameObject); }
    else if (collider.CompareTag("Player") || collider.CompareTag("Lure"))
    { targets.Add(collider.gameObject); }

private void OnTriggerExit(Collider collider)
    if (collider.CompareTag("Zombie"))
    { swarm.Remove(collider.gameObject); }
    else if (collider.CompareTag("Player") || collider.CompareTag("Lure"))

IEnumerator LingerTarget(GameObject target)
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(settings.lingerTime);

// Core Boid Logic
public void UpdatePhysics()
    // Apply the acceleration, and then limit the speed to the maximum.
    Vector2 UncappedVelocity = velocity + acceleration;
    velocity = ApplyLimit(UncappedVelocity, settings.maxSpeed);

    float angle = Mathf.Atan2(velocity.y, velocity.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
    body.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, angle));

private Vector2 Alignment(IEnumerable<Boid> boids)
    Vector2 velocity = Vector2.zero;
    if (!boids.Any()) return velocity;

    foreach (Boid boid in boids)
    { velocity += boid.velocity; } //LINE 96
    velocity /= boids.Count();

    Vector2 steer = Steer(velocity.normalized * settings.maxSpeed);
    return steer;

private Vector2 Cohesion(IEnumerable<Boid> boids)
    if (!boids.Any()) return Vector2.zero;

    Vector2 sumPositions = Vector2.zero;
    foreach (Boid boid in boids)
    { sumPositions += boid.position; }
    Vector2 average = sumPositions / boids.Count();
    Vector2 direction = average - position;

    Vector2 steer = Steer(direction.normalized * settings.maxSpeed);
    return steer;

private Vector2 Separation(IEnumerable<Boid> boids)
    Vector2 direction = Vector2.zero;
    boids = boids.Where(o => Vector3.Distance(o.transform.position, position) <= settings.avoidanceRadius);
    if (!boids.Any()) return direction;

    foreach (Boid boid in boids)
        Vector2 difference = position - boid.position;
        direction += difference.normalized / difference.magnitude;
    direction /= boids.Count();

    Vector2 steer = Steer(direction.normalized * settings.maxSpeed);
    return steer;

private Vector2 Steer(Vector2 desired)
    Vector2 steer = desired - velocity;
    steer = ApplyLimit(steer, settings.maxSteerForce);

    return steer;

// Calculation Helpers
private Vector2 ApplyLimit(Vector2 baseVector, float limit)
    if (baseVector.sqrMagnitude > limit * limit)
    { baseVector = baseVector.normalized * limit; }
    return baseVector;

Boid_Settings 模块:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class Boid_Settings : ScriptableObject
// Boid
public float maxSpeed = 5;
public float avoidanceRadius = 1;
public float maxSteerForce = 3;

public float lingerTime = 2.5f;
public float alignmentWeight = 1;
public float cohesionWeight = 1;
public float seperationWeight = 1;
public float targetWeight = 1;

// Spawner
public float awarenessRadius = 2.5f;


证明 boid 类有要读取的数据 证明 boid 类有要读取的数据 Unity Enviroment & Boid.cs Attachment Unity Enviroment & Boid.cs 附件 Unity Boid Boid.body 组件 unity Boid Boid.body 组件 每个 Boid 在游戏运行时找到两个 swarm mate Boid 人口证明


1 回答 1


原来我分配了空数据,因为第 40 行的 GetComponent 函数找到了 boid 的“Body”,它没有附加 Boid 脚本。使用 GetComponentInChildren 搜索时,会填充数组并给出值。


IEnumerable<Boid> boids = swarm.Select(o => o.GetComponent<Boid>()).ToList();


IEnumerable<Boid> boids = swarm.Select(o => o.GetComponentInChildren<Boid>()).ToList();

于 2020-04-30T19:42:05.200 回答