我可能遇到了一个简单的问题,但在阅读了 pyvista 文档后,我仍在寻找答案。我正在尝试绘制一个网格,其中每个单元格都将是一个定义为参数形状的网格,即超环。在 pyvista 的早期版本中,我定义了“我自己的”supertorus,如下所示:

def supertorus(yScale, xScale, Height, InternalRadius, Vertical, Horizontal,
           deltaX=0, deltaY=0, deltaZ=0):

#  initial range for values used in parametric equation
n = 100
u = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, n)
t = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, n)
u, t = np.meshgrid(u, t)

# a1: Y Scale <0, 2>
a1 = yScale
# a2: X Scale <0, 2>
a2 = xScale
# a3: Height <0, 5>
a3 = Height
# a4: Internal radius <0, 5>
a4 = InternalRadius
# e1: Vertical squareness <0.25, 1>
e1 = Vertical
# e2: Horizontal squareness <0.25, 1>
e2 = Horizontal

# Definition of parametric equation for supertorus
x = a1 * (a4 + np.sign(np.cos(u)) * np.abs(np.cos(u)) ** e1) *\
    np.sign(np.cos(t)) * np.abs(np.cos(t)) ** e2
y = a2 * (a4 + np.sign(np.cos(u)) * np.abs(np.cos(u)) ** e1) *\
    np.sign(np.sin(t)) * np.abs(np.sin(t)) ** e2
z = a3 * np.sign(np.sin(u)) * np.abs(np.sin(u)) ** e1

grid = pyvista.StructuredGrid(x + deltaX + 5, y + deltaY + 5, z + deltaZ)
return grid 

我可以使用deltaX,deltaYdeltaZ将 supertori 放置在我选择的位置。不幸的是,这种方法效率不高,我打算使用 PyVista 提供的超环面网格(https://docs.pyvista.org/examples/00-load/create-parametric-geometric-objects.html?highlight=supertoroid)。我的问题是:我如何在坐标定义的位置放置多个网格(如xsupertori yz


1 回答 1



import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv

# get dataset for the glyphs: supertoroid in xy plane
saucer = pv.ParametricSuperToroid(ringradius=0.5, n2=1.5, zradius=0.5)
# saucer.plot()  #  <-- check how a single saucer looks like

# get dataset where to put glyphs
x,y,z = np.mgrid[-1:2, -1:2, :2]
mesh = pv.StructuredGrid(x, y, z)

# construct the glyphs on top of the mesh
glyphs = mesh.glyph(geom=saucer, factor=0.3)
# glyphs.plot()  #  <-- simplest way to plot it

# create Plotter and add our glyphs with some nontrivial lighting
plotter = pv.Plotter(window_size=(1000, 800))
plotter.add_mesh(glyphs, color=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2], specular=1, specular_power=15)





您在评论中询问是否可以沿数据集改变字形。我确信这是不可能的,但是VTK 文档清楚地提到了定义要使用的字形集合的可能性:


事实证明,它还PyVista没有公开这个功能,但是基础vtk包让我们动手了。这是一个基于DataSetFilters.glyph的概念证明,我将由 PyVista 开发人员浮动,看看是否有兴趣公开此功能。

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
from pyvista.core.filters import _get_output  # just for this standalone example
import vtk
pyvista = pv  # just for this standalone example

# below: adapted from core/filters.py
def multiglyph(dataset, orient=True, scale=True, factor=1.0,
          tolerance=0.0, absolute=False, clamping=False, rng=None,
          geom_datasets=None, geom_values=None):
    """Copy a geometric representation (called a glyph) to every point in the input dataset.
    The glyphs may be oriented along the input vectors, and they may be scaled according to scalar
    data or vector magnitude.
    orient : bool
        Use the active vectors array to orient the glyphs
    scale : bool
        Use the active scalars to scale the glyphs
    factor : float
        Scale factor applied to sclaing array
    tolerance : float, optional
        Specify tolerance in terms of fraction of bounding box length.
        Float value is between 0 and 1. Default is 0.0. If ``absolute``
        is ``True`` then the tolerance can be an absolute distance.
    absolute : bool, optional
        Control if ``tolerance`` is an absolute distance or a fraction.
    clamping: bool
        Turn on/off clamping of "scalar" values to range.
    rng: tuple(float), optional
        Set the range of values to be considered by the filter when scalars
        values are provided.
    geom_datasets : tuple(vtk.vtkDataSet), optional
        The geometries to use for the glyphs in table mode
    geom_values : tuple(float), optional
        The value to assign to each geometry dataset, optional
    # Clean the points before glyphing
    small = pyvista.PolyData(dataset.points)
    dataset = small.clean(point_merging=True, merge_tol=tolerance,
                          lines_to_points=False, polys_to_lines=False,
                          strips_to_polys=False, inplace=False,
    # Make glyphing geometry
    if not geom_datasets:
        arrow = vtk.vtkArrowSource()
        geom_datasets = arrow.GetOutput(),
        geom_values = 0,
    # check if the geometry datasets are consistent
    if not len(geom_datasets) == len(geom_values):
        raise ValueError('geom_datasets and geom_values must have the same length!')
        # TODO: other kinds of sanitization, e.g. check for sequences etc.
    # Run the algorithm
    alg = vtk.vtkGlyph3D()
    if len(geom_values) == 1:
        # use a single glyph
        # TODO: index by vectors?
        # TODO: SetInputArrayToProcess for arbitrary arrays, maybe?
        alg.SetRange(min(geom_values), max(geom_values))
        # TODO: different Range?
        for val, geom in zip(geom_values, geom_datasets):
            alg.SetSourceData(val, geom)
    if isinstance(scale, str):
        dataset.active_scalars_name = scale
        scale = True
    if scale:
        if dataset.active_scalars is not None:
            if dataset.active_scalars.ndim > 1:
    if isinstance(orient, str):
        dataset.active_vectors_name = orient
        orient = True
    if rng is not None:
    return _get_output(alg)

def example():
    """Small glyph example"""

    rng = np.random.default_rng()

    # get dataset for the glyphs: supertoroid in xy plane
    # use N random kinds of toroids over a mesh with 27 points
    N = 5
    values = np.arange(N)  # values for scalars to look up glyphs by
    geoms = [pv.ParametricSuperToroid(n1=n1, n2=n2) for n1,n2 in rng.uniform(0.5, 2, size=(N, 2))]
    for geom in geoms:
        # make the disks horizontal for aesthetics

    # get dataset where to put glyphs
    x,y,z = np.mgrid[-1:2, -1:2, -1:2]
    mesh = pv.StructuredGrid(x, y, z)

    # add random scalars
    mesh.point_arrays['scalars'] = rng.integers(0, N, size=x.size)

    # construct the glyphs on top of the mesh; don't scale by scalars now
    glyphs = multiglyph(mesh, geom_datasets=geoms, geom_values=values, scale=False, factor=0.3)

    # create Plotter and add our glyphs with some nontrivial lighting
    plotter = pv.Plotter(window_size=(1000, 800))
    plotter.add_mesh(glyphs, specular=1, specular_power=15)


if __name__ == "__main__":

上面的multiglyph功能与 大体相同mesh.glyph,但我将geom关键字替换为两个关键字,geom_datasetsgeom_values。这些定义了一个索引 -> 几何映射,然后用于根据数组标量查找每个字形。


这是一个典型的输出: 一堆 3 层的字形,它们在 5 种和 5 种颜色中随机变化


于 2020-05-15T17:31:22.657 回答