Unable to build project when initiated from system user. It Hangs while trying to download .ballerina artifacts.
JAVA_HOME: C:\INFORM~2\apps\AGENTC~1\.\..\..\jdk\jre
Generating sources...[DONE]
There are no new updates available
Compiling source
wso2/jms:0.7.0 [central.ballerina.io -> home repo] [> ] 0/4634315
Killing the build and trying again results in below error as artifacts are not completely downloaded.
JAVA_HOME: C:\INFORM~2\apps\AGENTC~1\.\..\..\jdk\jre
Generating sources...[DONE]
..................................There are no new updates available
Compiling source
error: unable to read balo file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\.ballerina\balo_cache\wso2\jms\0.7.0\jms-2019r3-java8-0.7.0.balo. balo file seems to be corrupted.
Cleaning .ballerina folder and trying again makes process hang again while trying to download jms-2019r3-java8-0.7.0.balo file.