我在 C# 中有这个基本的抓取控制台应用程序,它异步使用 WebRequest 从站点列表中获取 html。它工作正常,但是如何设置一个触发器,当列表中的每个站点都被处理时触发?
我花了几个小时在线研究各种解决方案,包括 MS 文档,但没有一个通过代码提供直接的答案。我已经阅读了有关 IAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle 的信息,但我不知道如何将它集成到我的代码中。我只想在所有线程完成处理或超时时调用自定义函数。
一个技巧是我永远不会提前知道我的列表中有多少个站点(它是用户定义的),所以我需要一个足够强大的解决方案来等待 5 个事件来完成 100,000 个事件。
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
namespace AsyncApp_01
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ArrayList alSites = new ArrayList();
private static void ScanSites(ArrayList sites)
foreach (string uriString in sites)
WebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create(uriString);
request.Method = "GET";
object data = new object(); //container for our "Stuff"
// RequestState is a custom class to pass info to the callback
RequestState state = new RequestState(request, data, uriString);
IAsyncResult result = request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(UpdateItem), state);
//Register the timeout callback
ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(result.AsyncWaitHandle, new WaitOrTimerCallback(ScanTimeoutCallback), state, (30 * 1000), true);
private static void UpdateItem(IAsyncResult result)
// grab the custom state object
RequestState state = (RequestState)result.AsyncState;
WebRequest request = (WebRequest)state.Request;
// get the Response
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(result);
Stream s = (Stream)response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(s);
// dataString will hold the entire contents of the requested page if we need it.
string dataString = readStream.ReadToEnd();
private static void ScanTimeoutCallback(object state, bool timedOut)
if (timedOut)
RequestState reqState = (RequestState)state;
if (reqState != null)
Console.WriteLine("aborted- timeout");
class RequestState
public WebRequest Request; // holds the request
public object Data; // store any data in this
public string SiteUrl; // holds the UrlString to match up results (Database lookup, etc).
public RequestState(WebRequest request, object data, string siteUrl)
this.Request = request;
this.Data = data;
this.SiteUrl = siteUrl;
任何人都可以告诉我如何限制并发线程的数量。例如,如果我有 100 个站点要处理,我如何设置它以便一次处理 10 个站点,但不能更多。我不想打开 100 个线程。