class Diagonal {
// the default storage facility of a Diagonal matrix
typedef Stack default_storage;
template <typename T, typename Shape = Dense, typename Storage = Stack, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
class Matrix : public Storage, Shape { // policy classes Storage and Shape
template <typename T1, typename Shape1, typename Storage1, unsigned Row1, unsigned Col1>
friend Matrix<T1,Shape1,Storage1,Row1,Col1>& operator += (Matrix<T1,Shape1,Storage1,Row1,Col1> matrix1,Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2);
template <typename T1, typename Shape1, typename Storage1, unsigned Row1, unsigned Col1>
friend Matrix<T1,Diagonal,Storage1,Row1,Col1>& operator += (Matrix<T1,Diagonal,Storage1,Row1,Col1> matrix1,Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2);
template <typename T1, typename Shape1, typename Storage1, unsigned Row1, unsigned Col1>
friend Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>& operator + (Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1, Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2);
template <typename T1, typename Shape1, typename Storage1, unsigned Row1, unsigned Col1>
friend Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col>& operator + (Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1, Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2);
// general template function
template <typename T, typename Shape, typename Storage, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>& operator + (Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1, Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2) {
Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>* result = new Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < matrix1.getRowSize(); i++) { // getRowSize is a member function of policy class Storage
for (unsigned j = 0; j < matrix1.getRowSize(); j++) {
(*result)(i,j) = matrix1.getValue(i,j) + matrix2.getValue(i,j);
return *result;
// overloaded template function
template <typename T, typename Shape, typename Storage, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col>& operator + (Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1, Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2) {
Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>* result = new Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < matrix1.getRowSize(); i++) {
(*result)(i,i) = matrix1.getValue(i,i) + matrix2.getValue(i,i);
return *result;
// general template function
template <typename T, typename Shape, typename Storage, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>& operator += (Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1,Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2) {
Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>* result = new Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>(matrix1); // copy constructor
for (unsigned i = 0; i < matrix1.getRowSize(); i++) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < matrix1.getRowSize(); j++) {
(*result)(i,j) = matrix1.getValue(i,j) + matrix2.getValue(i,j);
return *result;
// overloaded template function
template <typename T, typename Shape, typename Storage, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col>& operator += (Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix1,Matrix<T,Diagonal,Storage,Row,Col> matrix2) {
Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>* result = new Matrix<T,Shape,Storage,Row,Col>(matrix1); // copy constructor
for (unsigned i = 0; i < matrix1.getRowSize(); i++) {
(*result)(i,i) = matrix1.getValue(i,i) + matrix2.getValue(i,i);
return *result;
如您所见,您现在还可以轻松添加两种不同的 Matrix 类型。您只需要重载通用模板函数。使用策略的一个优点是您的用户现在可以轻松地提供他们自己的存储设施。
最后一点。由于您可以使用 C++0x,您还可以为您的用户创建一些快捷方式。例如,您可以执行以下操作
template<typename T, unsigned Row, unsigned Col>
using DenseStackMatrix = Matrix<T, Dense, Stack, Row, Col>;
template<typename T>
using DenseHeapMatrix = Matrix<T, Dense, Heap, 0, 0>;