我怎么可能在没有协方差矩阵的情况下计算 PCA?


  • 使用协方差:在计算特征值和特征向量之前,我减去每列的平均值并计算 cov() 矩阵。
  • 没有协方差:我计算 X_train 的点积(原始数据),它不是以平均值为中心的

为了比较结果,我计算了两个 SVD。

那么为什么可以在没有 mean 和 cov() 的情况下获取 PCA 的原始数据?

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import svd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import linalg as LA
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import copy

# data
X_train = np.asarray([[13.71,1.86,2.36,16.6],[12.22,1.29,1.94,19],

# with covariance
X = copy.copy(X_train)

n_samples = np.shape(X)[0]
X -= np.mean(X, axis=0)

U,S,VT = svd(X)

cov_m  = np.cov(X.T)
eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eigh(cov_m)
print('with covariance')
print('S\t %s' %S)
print('S**2\t %s' %str(S**2/(n_samples-1)))
print('eigval\t %s' %np.asarray(sorted(eigval, reverse=True)))

with covariance
S        [6.1900012  2.67966882 1.2864974  0.08662946]
S**2     [9.57902870e+00 1.79515624e+00 4.13768889e-01 1.87616595e-03]
eigval   [9.57902870e+00 1.79515624e+00 4.13768889e-01 1.87616595e-03]   

##  without covariance    
U1,S1,VT1 = svd(X_train)  
XTX = np.dot(X_train.T, X_train) 
eigval1, eigvec1 = np.linalg.eigh(XTX)
print('\n without covariance')
print('S1\t %s' %S1)
print('S1**2\t %s' %str(S1**2))
print('eigval1\t %s' %np.asarray(sorted(eigval1, reverse=True)))

with covariance:
S        [6.1900012  2.67966882 1.2864974  0.08662946]
S**2     [9.57902870e+00 1.79515624e+00 4.13768889e-01 1.87616595e-03]
eigval   [9.57902870e+00 1.79515624e+00 4.13768889e-01 1.87616595e-03]

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