我正在研究 Spring Boot v2.2.6.RELEASE 和 Open API 集成示例。此示例具有使用 20 个不同参数进行搜索的能力。所以这个 POJO 类拥有CustomSearchDto这 20 个不同的值。

在 POJO 中我使用了 orgName,但@parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, name = "orgizationName",不知何故我想覆盖变量名。我必须这样做。有什么办法吗?

@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, name = "orgizationName", schema = @Schema(type = "string")) 
@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, name = "employeeId", schema = @Schema(type = "string")) 
@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, name = "emailId", schema = @Schema(type = "string")) 
@Parameter(in=ParameterIn.QUERY, name="page", description="Results page you want to retrieve (0..N)", schema=@Schema(defaultValue = "0"))
    @Parameter(in=ParameterIn.QUERY, name="size", description="Number of records per page.", schema=@Schema(defaultValue = "30"))
@GetMapping(value = "/employees/organizations")
public ResponseEntity<PagedModel<Employees>> search(CustomSearchDto requestparams,
        @Parameter(hidden=true) Pageable pageRequest) {


    return new ResponseEntity<>(model, HttpStatus.OK);

这是我的自定义 DTO 类

public class CustomSearchDto {
    @Schema(description = "", type = "string", example = " ")
    private String orgName;

    @Schema(description = "", type = "string", example = " ")
    private String empId;

    @Schema(description = "", type = "integer", example = "null")
    private Integer email;


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您可以使用注释直接传递您的对象 CustomSearchDto @ParameterObject


于 2020-05-01T11:43:46.147 回答