I converted my first java swing app to exe using advanced installer and inno setup(Tried both no result).
Considering Inno Setup : on double clicking nothing happens

Considering : Advanced Installer -> On executing my app open but after providing credentials nothing happens so i assume it may be database issue.

About my app: It is a small swing based saving and retrieving data of employees payment.
Database used : MySQL

I had imported database schema to client PC and made .exe file of app so that after installing it can access data.
The Jar files runs successfully and able to access the data as well.

So i think while creating .exe is their anything to be done about database .

Please suggest me where i am mistaken .


2 回答 2


下载 Launcher4J 软件并用 jar 文件构建 Exe!这是最好的,所有修复都会完成!

于 2020-04-18T08:58:59.260 回答


此外,在 Advanced Installer 中,项目的 Java Products 视图下有一个 Virtual Machine 部分,您可以在其中选择将输出和错误流保存在日志文件中。日志文件将在应用程序运行时在 EXE 启动器旁边创建。也许这将帮助您捕获记录的一些错误。

于 2020-04-21T04:44:40.110 回答