
[2020-04-10 11:48:26] [info] Manager: list: Listing contexts for virtual host 'localhost'

[2020-04-10 11:48:26] [info] Manager: install: Installing web application '/api#v1' from 'file:/home/kos/RPServers/available_webapps/reaper-webapp.war'

[2020-04-10 11:48:26] [info] **Deploying web application archive [/var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/reaper-app/api#v1.war]**

[2020-04-10 11:48:27] [info] 2020/04/10 11:48:27.897 - #2 - 4973/4193 - MemoryShield:  totalMemory = 3871.45 [MB] resMemory = 1311.47 [MB] shrMemory = 63.6523 [MB]

[2020-04-10 11:48:28] [info] At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.

[2020-04-10 11:48:28] [info] **Deployment of web application archive [/var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/reaper-app/api#v1.war] has finished in [2,345] ms**

问题:catalina.out 日志告诉应用程序部署已完成,但应用程序无法访问(404 错误)

  1. 以前看到过任何与此类类似的问题吗?
  2. 或者是一些配置问题?
  3. 还是应该在 logging.properties 中启用更多日志记录以更好地理解流程?




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