我通过ExpressionsBasedModel使用 ojAlgo 线性/二次求解器来求解绘图库中图形元素的布局,以便它们整齐地适合屏幕边界。具体来说,我想解决比例和平移问题,以便散点图的坐标填满屏幕空间。我通过声明的比例和平移变量来做到这一点,并ExpressionsBasedModel使用这些变量将散点图坐标转换到屏幕上,然后构造转换后的坐标应该投射到屏幕内的线性约束。我还为比例变量添加了一个负成本,以便它们最大化并且散点图覆盖尽可能多的屏幕空间。我的问题是在某些特殊情况下,例如,如果我只有一个点要绘制,这会导致一个无界问题,其中规模趋于无穷大而没有任何约束处于活动状态。如何检测会发生这种情况的比例变量并将它们修复为一些默认值?


class Problem {
    private ArrayList<Variable> _scale_variables = new ArrayList<Variable>();
    private ExpressionsBasedModel _model = new ExpressionsBasedModel();

    Variable freeVariable() {
        return _model.addVariable();

    Variable scaleVariable() {
        Variable x = _model.addVariable();
        x.lower(0.0); // Negative scale not allowed
        return x;

    Expression expr() {
        return _model.addExpression();

    Result solve() {
        for (Variable scale_var: _scale_variables) {

            // This is may result in unbounded solution for degenerate cases.
            Expression expr = _model.addExpression("Encourage-larger-scale");
            expr.set(scale_var, -1.0);
        return _model.minimise();


class Transform2d {
    Variable x_scale;
    Variable y_scale;
    Variable x_translation;
    Variable y_translation;

    Transform2d(Problem problem) {
        x_scale = problem.scaleVariable();
        y_scale = problem.scaleVariable();
        x_translation = problem.freeVariable();
        y_translation = problem.freeVariable();

    void respectBounds(double x, double y, double marker_size,
        double width, double height,
        Problem problem) {
        // Respect left and right screen bounds
            Expression expr = problem.expr();
            expr.set(x_scale, x);
            expr.set(x_translation, 1.0);
            expr.upper(width - marker_size);

        // Respect top and bottom screen bounds
            Expression expr = problem.expr();
            expr.set(y_scale, y);
            expr.set(y_translation, 1.0);
            expr.upper(height - marker_size);


void addScatterPoints(
    double[] xy_pairs,

    // How much space every marker occupies
    double marker_size,

    Transform2d transform_to_screen,

    // Screen size
    double width, double height,

    Problem problem) {

    int data_count = xy_pairs.length/2;
    for (int i = 0; i < data_count; i++) {
        int offset = 2*i;
        double x = xy_pairs[offset + 0];
        double y = xy_pairs[offset + 1];
        transform_to_screen.respectBounds(x, y, marker_size, width, height, problem);


    Problem problem = new Problem();
    double marker_size = 4;
    double width = 800;
    double height = 600;

    double[] data_to_plot = new double[] {
        1.0, 2.0,
        4.0, 9.3,
        7.0, 4.5};

    Transform2d transform = new Transform2d(problem);
    addScatterPoints(data_to_plot, marker_size, transform, width, height, problem);

    Result result = problem.solve();
    System.out.println("Solution: " + result);

打印出来Solution: OPTIMAL -81.0958904109589 @ { 0, 81.0958904109589, 795.99999999999966, -158.19178082191794 }

这是退化情况的样子,用相同的 y 坐标绘制两个点:

    Problem problem = new Problem();

    double marker_size = 4;
    double width = 800;
    double height = 600;

    double[] data_to_plot = new double[] {
        1, 1,
        9, 1

    Transform2d transform = new Transform2d(problem);
    addScatterPoints(data_to_plot, marker_size, transform, width, height, problem);

    Result result = problem.solve();
    System.out.println("Solution: " + result);

它显示Solution: UNBOUNDED -596.0 @ { 88.44444444444444, 596, 0, 0 }. 如前所述,我的问题是:如何检测负成本会导致无界解决方案的比例变量并将它们限制为某个默认值,以便我的解决方案不是无界的?


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