I'm testing the script:
I would like to add a button to refresh(reset) the data. I would reset all modified data and reload first data. I add this code, so after select (refresh), I have no data:
YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady("splitbuttonsfromjavascript", function () {
var onMenuItemSelect = function () {
var aSplitButton5Menu = [
{ text: "Refresh", value: 1, onclick: { fn: onMenuItemSelect } }
var oSplitButton5 = new YAHOO.widget.Button({ type: "split", label: "Refresh table", name: "splitbutton", menu: aSplitButton5Menu, container: this });
What I need to use in my onMenuItemSelect to refresh mydataTable?
I made some changes to modify the "city" and "rating" in the sample : http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/datatable/dt_xhrjson.html
Now, I wish resetting MyTable with a button (and reload default dataset). When I use my code, after button click, I clear all and default data are not reloaded (I have : "No records found." after button click).
How I can reload default data ?