Basically I want to set my activity's theme in the manifest as follows:
And I want my activity to load up a ListFragment with the theme, Theme.Holo.Dialog (defined in my own style), however I can't just call setStyle(....) in my fragment as I could if it were a DialogFragment.
I believe that I should be able to use a ContextThemeWrapper but I'm having trouble understanding the calls I need to make. So far in my onCreateView I have:
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LayoutInflater newInflater = inflater.cloneInContext(new ContextThemeWrapper(getActivity(),;
View inflatedView = newInflater.inflate(R.layout.favourites_print, container, false);
But this is not working. Thanks in advance. Peter.
*Edit * Posting style:
<style name="DialogThemeSelector" parent="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Dialog"/>