我搜索了 StackOverflow 试图找到类似的问题,但没有遇到过,所以我发布了这个问题。
我正在尝试使用 Microsoft 的 SChannel 库编写一个 C++ HTTPS 客户端,并且在分块消息传输时遇到随机错误。这个问题似乎只发生在很长的下载中——短的下载通常可以正常工作。大多数情况下,代码都能正常工作——即使是长时间下载——但偶尔 recv() 命令会优雅地超时,断开我的 TLS 会话,在其他时候,我会收到一个不完整的最后一个数据包。随机错误似乎是服务器用于传递数据的不同大小的块和加密块的结果。我知道我需要处理这种变化,但是虽然这在未加密的 HTTP 连接上很容易解决,但加密方面给我带来了问题。
首先是超时问题,大约 5% 的时间我请求大型 HTTP 请求(来自单个 HTTP GET 请求的大约 10 MB 数据)。
另一种方法是让我连续查找两个 CR+LF,这也表示 HTTPS 响应的结束。但是由于数据是加密的,我无法弄清楚如何逐字节查看。SChannel 的 DecryptMessage() 似乎是按块进行解密,而不是逐字节进行。该论坛中的任何人都可以就如何逐字节解密以使我能够查找分块输出的结尾提供任何建议吗?
第二个问题是 DecryptMessage 有时会错误地认为它在我到达消息的实际结尾之前完成了解密。结果行为是我继续下一个 HTTP 请求,并且我得到了前一个响应的其余部分,我希望看到新请求的标头。
显而易见的解决方案是检查解密消息的内容,看看我们是否真的到达了终点,如果没有,在发送下一个 HTTP 请求之前尝试接收更多数据。但是当我这样做并尝试解密时,我会收到一条解密错误消息。
任何人都可以就策略提供的任何建议/帮助将不胜感激。我已经附上了 HTTP 正文的读取/解密过程的相关代码部分——我不包括标题读取和解析,因为它可以正常工作。
// Note this receives large files OK, but I can't tell when I hit the end of the buffer, and this
// hangs. Need to consider a non-blocking socket?
// numBytesReceived = recv(windowsSocket, (char*)inputBuffer, inputBufSize, 0);
m_ErrorLog << "Next read size expected " << nextReadSize << endl;
numBytesReceived = recv(windowsSocket, (char*)inputBuffer, nextReadSize, 0);
m_ErrorLog << "NumBytesReceived = " << numBytesReceived << endl;
if (m_BinaryBufLen + numBytesReceived > m_BinaryBufAllocatedSize)
m_BinaryBufLen += numBytesReceived;
lenStartDecryptedChunk = decryptedBodyLen;
// Decrypt the received data.
Buffers[0].pvBuffer = m_BinaryBuffer;
Buffers[0].cbBuffer = m_BinaryBufLen;
Buffers[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; // Initial Type of the buffer 1
Buffers[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY; // Initial Type of the buffer 2
Buffers[2].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY; // Initial Type of the buffer 3
Buffers[3].BufferType = SECBUFFER_EMPTY; // Initial Type of the buffer 4
Message.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; // Version number
Message.cBuffers = 4; // Number of buffers - must contain four SecBuffer structures.
Message.pBuffers = Buffers; // Pointer to array of buffers
scRet = m_pSSPI->DecryptMessage(phContext, &Message, 0, NULL);
m_ErrorLog << "Server shut down connection before I finished reading" << endl;
m_ErrorLog << "# of Bytes Requested = " << nextReadSize << endl;
m_ErrorLog << "# of Bytes received = " << numBytesReceived << endl;
m_ErrorLog << "Decrypted data to this point = " << endl;
m_ErrorLog << decryptedBody << endl;
m_ErrorLog << "BinaryData just decrypted: " << endl;
m_ErrorLog << Buffers[0].pvBuffer << endl;
break; // Server signalled end of session
if( scRet != SEC_E_OK &&
m_ErrorLog << "CSISPDoc::ReadDecrypt(): " << "Failed to decrypt message--Error=" << errmsg;
if (decryptedBody)
m_ErrorLog << decryptedBody << endl;
return scRet;
// Locate data and (optional) extra buffers.
pDataBuffer = NULL;
pExtraBuffer = NULL;
for(i = 1; i < 4; i++)
if( pDataBuffer == NULL && Buffers[i].BufferType == SECBUFFER_DATA )
pDataBuffer = &Buffers[i];
if( pExtraBuffer == NULL && Buffers[i].BufferType == SECBUFFER_EXTRA )
pExtraBuffer = &Buffers[i];
// Display the decrypted data.
length = pDataBuffer->cbBuffer;
if( length ) // check if last two chars are CR LF
buff = (PBYTE)pDataBuffer->pvBuffer; // printf( "n-2= %d, n-1= %d \n", buff[length-2], buff[length-1] );
if (decryptedBodyLen+length+1 > decryptedBodyAllocatedSize)
decryptedBodyLen += length;
m_ErrorLog << buff << endl;
// Move any "extra" data to the input buffer -- this has not yet been decrypted.
MoveMemory(m_BinaryBuffer, pExtraBuffer->pvBuffer, pExtraBuffer->cbBuffer);
m_BinaryBufLen = pExtraBuffer->cbBuffer; // printf("inputStrLen= %d \n", inputStrLen);
while (pExtraBuffer);
if (decryptedBody)
if (incompletePacket)
p1 = decryptedBody + lenStartFragmentedPacket;
p1 = decryptedBody + lenStartDecryptedChunk;
p2 = p1;
pEndDecryptedBody = decryptedBody+decryptedBodyLen;
if (lastDecryptRes != SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE)
chunkSizeBlock = true;
while (p2 < pEndDecryptedBody && (*p2 != '\r' || *(p2+1) != '\n'))
// if we're here, we probably found the end of the current line. The pattern we are
// reading is chunk length, chunk, chunk length, chunk,...,chunk lenth (==0)
if (*p2 == '\r' && *(p2+1) == '\n') // new line character -- found chunk size
if (chunkSizeBlock) // reading the size of the chunk
pStartHexNum = SkipWhiteSpace(p1,p2);
pEndHexNum = SkipWhiteSpaceBackwards(p1,p2);
chunkSize = HexCharToInt(pStartHexNum,pEndHexNum);
p2 += 2; // skip past the newline character
chunkSizeBlock = false;
if (!chunkSize) // chunk size of 0 means we're done
bulkReadDone = true;
p2 += 2; // skip past the final CR+LF
nextReadSize = chunkSize+8; // chunk + CR/LF + next chunk size (4 hex digits) + CR/LF + encryption header/trailer
else // copy the actual chunk
if (p2-p1 != chunkSize)
m_ErrorLog << "Warning: Actual chunk size of " << p2 - p1 << " != stated chunk size = " << chunkSize << endl;
// copy over the actual chunk data //
if (m_HTTPBodyLen + chunkSize > m_HTTPBodyAllocatedSize)
m_HTTPBodyLen += chunkSize;
m_HTTPBody[m_HTTPBodyLen] = 0; // null-terminate
p2 += 2; // skip over chunk and end of line characters
chunkSizeBlock = true;
chunkSize = 0;
incompletePacket = false;
lenStartFragmentedPacket = 0;
p1 = p2; // move to start of next chunk field
else // got to end of encrypted body with no CR+LF found --> fragmeneted chunk. So we need to read and decrypt at least one more chunk
incompletePacket = true;
lenStartFragmentedPacket = p1-decryptedBody;
while (p2 < pEndDecryptedBody);
lastDecryptRes = scRet;
while (scRet == SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE && !bulkReadDone);