Please post a couple links to screenshots or demos to best looking administration interfaces for web applications and why do you think so.
Personally, I like what 37signals produces, also extJS based panels, though they tend to be rather slow.
Please post a couple links to screenshots or demos to best looking administration interfaces for web applications and why do you think so.
Personally, I like what 37signals produces, also extJS based panels, though they tend to be rather slow.
我猜, lipsiadmin就是你要找的东西
Lipsiadmin 是您项目的新革命性管理员。Lipsiadmin 基于 Ext Js 2.0。框架(带有原型适配器)并且已为 Rails 2.0 做好准备。该管理员适用于新手开发人员,也适用于专家,并非完全用 javascript 编写,因为开发人员的目标是以敏捷的方式构建 Web/站点应用程序,因此我们以一种新的智能方式使用 extjs,混合了“旧”html 和新ajax 函数,例如 ext 管理页面、网格、树和错误的布局,但表单是 html 代码。